Today’s Truth

You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean… (Leviticus 10:10 ESV).



Friend to Friend

When I think about the books in the Bible that encourage and inspire me, the Old Testament book of Leviticus would rank near the bottom. Not kidding. It’s a tough read.

But it’s important to approach God’s Word holistically, so I have to take the good with the bad… the easy-to-read chapters with the hard-to-get-through chapters. And I’ve found that in doing so, God reveals powerful, life-changing lessons.

Here’s a doozy He taught me recently that will change the way you approach your day.

Leviticus is a historical narrative that reveals God’s holiness in ways large and small. It’s intense. Full of complex instructions (detail upon detail, instruction upon instruction) given from God to Moses so the sins of the Israelites could be covered through a sacrificial system. So that God’s people would learn to recognize, respect, and revere His power, righteousness, and majesty.

The long and short of it is this, offerings were to be brought to God on behalf of the Israelites, mainly: Burnt Offerings, Grain Offerings, Fellowship Offerings, Sin Offerings and Guilt Offerings. The priests made these offerings, in strict adherence to the law established by God himself, so that the Israelites could be forgiven and restored in God’s sight.

As New Testament believers, we are free of these requirements. Jesus died for all mankind so our sins could be forgiven, making these offerings no longer mandatory. He poured out his love and life for us in crimson sacrifice. The Bible tells us that when we confess our sins and place our faith in the finished work of Christ, we are fully forgiven and restored to the heart of God.

After Moses told his brother Aaron all that God had instructed, the Israelites gathered to worship the Lord and present their offerings according to the Lord’s instructions. (Leviticus 9) The ceremonies of sacrifice began near the Tent of Meetings and God met them there with fire.

After the sacrificial ceremony was well underway, Aaron’s sons decided to do their own thing. They stepped outside of God’s revealed will and brought offerings in a way that they wanted to.

And God consumed them with fire.

On the spot.

Struck them dead before all of the people.

Oh. My. Heart. Knowing how often I set aside God’s will for my own, I read this and struggle to process.

Following the deaths of Nadab and Abihu the Lord gave further directives to His people. The one that stopped me in my tracks was found in verse 10.

“And the Lord spoke to Aaron, saying, “…You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to them by Moses” (Leviticus 10:8-11).

Distinguish between the holy and the common.

Between the unclean and the clean.

I read this chapter and am gripped with a fresh awareness of God’s holiness. His words ring loud in my ears. Holiness is important to God, so it needs to be important to me.

I’m left wondering how I can distinguish the holy from the common today.

How can I sift through the mundane and dust off the majestic in practical ways?

What would it look like for me to separate and set aside the common from the holy in my marriage and mothering, at my workplace, in my friendships, on social media…?

Some answers rise in my soul as obvious. Others loom nebulous. I want all to align my street-level-life with God’s sacred will, so I turn to Him in prayer and ask Him to show me.

I ask Him to help me to see the holy and the common for what it is. To choose the best. His best.

I ask Him to help me turn from the unclean toward the clean. I hand over my limited perspective, selfish intentions, and stubbornness.

Pray with me?


Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, You are holy and worthy of all praise and honor. I’m sorry for the times I bend toward the common over the holy. Lead me in Your ways today. Guide me with Your Spirit to choose words, thoughts and deeds that bring you glory.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn 

When you quiet your heart before God and ask Him to reveal the common things, behaviors, thoughts, and relationships you’ve been settling for, what does He reveal?

Make a fresh commitment to pursue holiness and ask the Holy One to lead you in the pursuit.

Let’s pray together today. Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.


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© 2022 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.

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12 Responses to “Why Holiness Matters”

  1. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for sharing a fresh perspective of God’s Holy requirements. It’s deep thought to ponder needs more prayerfulness for everyday living.

  2. MARGIE says:

    Thank God for His word that never ends helping us live in this world set apart but in it. I do struggle with common and will take this teaching to heart, with Gods help I will learn to choose “clean from unclean” Love Him!

  3. Sheila says:

    I pray today that I’m led to please God and be led to his ways and not mine. Please I’m asking that everything that I do and say bring glory to you. Amen

  4. Carol says:

    My morn prayer is: “my the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.”(Psalm 19:14)
    Lord Jesus, help me to be, more like You & less like myself. Amen

  5. Chanty says:

    Lord I pray today that I would abandon self ND cling to you so that your will can and will be done in my life. Today I pray Not my will but they Will be done in me, Amen.

  6. Debbie says:

    When looking at a Bible verse, I personally like to start at the beginning of the chapter which provides an overview for the content of what I am reading. I have to admit I haven’t read too much from Leviticus, however I believe this book is a solid tangible guide on how to live my life. Leviticus is a hidden gem in the old testament, one of many.

    My prayer for myself and the GIF community is that God will provide opportunities to dig deeper for hidden gems! I pray that my heart and my mind will be open to discovery as I seek knowledge, wisdom, and discernment to live a life worthy of Gods grace and mercy om this rebellious sinner he calls his own.

    Thank you Sharon for sharing, blessings to you and the GIF community. Debbie

  7. Teri says:

    I pray that I find God again. Im so lost.

  8. JANET says:

    Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit. Philippians 2:13– For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him. I praise God for His works in me and through me. My works without the Holy Spirit are like filthy rags, just like the Apostle Paul has stated. I surrender All to Jesus that His will, plan and purpose will be done. Thank you Jesus!

  9. Charlene says:

    Oh father I praise you for who you are, I am praying that you will help me to know you’re well Each day of my life that I will be able to glorify your name. See how wonderful and holy you are. Each day as I wake I’ll see you at work. Help me lord Jesus to be more like you.

  10. Nathalia says:

    Praise the Lord for your response Janet. Dear Lord, I ask that you show me and lead me to live a life that is clean and holy ( set apart) in my thoughts (even my thoughts about myself), my behaviors, my habits, my relationships, and my love towards people. I love you. Help me to be a willing participant in this transformation/ sanctification journey, and help me not to do it on my own, but allow you, your Holy Spirit to do the work in me, for my good and your glory (Romans 8:28) in Jesus’s name I pray Amen 😁👐🏽🙌🏾💕🙏🏾!

  11. Sharon says:

    Teri… Belief and faith in Jesus and His death and resurrection for our sin will bring us to God. I’m praying for your salvation. Today is the day to receive Him. He loves you completely.

  12. Linda says:

    An amazing post with great tips as always. Anyone will find your post useful. Keep up the good work.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8