Today’s Truth

As he was talking with them, Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it (1 Samuel 17:23 NIV).



Friend to Friend
I crouched behind a wall in my living room, peeking out only for a few seconds at a time. I didn’t really want to keep watching, but for some reason I couldn’t stop.

A real-life tightrope walker dared to cross a gorge near the Grand Canyon on live television. I didn’t know this man from Adam, but my fear for him and his potential plummet to the bottom of the canyon was real. With each step he took I prayed, please God let him make it across!

The wind blew so hard at times he stopped and crouched down on the rope to lower himself beneath the gusts. He would pause and pray then stand up and continue across.

Yet quite possibly the most ridiculous part of all of this was that it wasn’t his first time to attempt something so risky.

Today’s Truth records what may have felt like a risky situation for God’s chosen people, the Israelites, “Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it” (1 Samuel 17:23 NIV).

With battle lines drawn, the Philistine champion, Goliath, challenged the Israelite army to send someone out to fight him. Day after day Goliath shouted his taunts, and the verses that follow record two very different responses to his words.

The Israelite army fled in great fear. (1 Samuel 17:24)

David, however, accepted the challenge. (1 Samuel 17:26, 32)

Too often, I’m afraid I march into daily battles like the Israelite army, wondering if this will be the time God doesn’t show up, rather than charging full speed ahead like David—knowing Who I’m following and counting fully on Him.

Like the time I sat behind the wheel of my van with a long drive in front of me. I’d made this drive many times; however this time, I would face the road as the sole adult in the car with all six of my kids.

Enter fear, panic, doubt, maybe even a few tears.

But before I fell completely over the edge of my emotions, God interrupted. He pointed me to the many times He’d provided on this road before and counseled me to count on Him again.

And so, instead of wondering if God would show up on this trip, I threw all my concerns on His shoulders. God, help us go the whole way without one stop. Help no one have to go to the bathroom. Help the kids not fight. Help the traffic keep moving. Help me not get tired. Help no one get hungry.

The same confidence David acted with is available to us through Jesus. When we choose to make Jesus Lord of our lives, God is not only with us, He is also in us. Since God is able, and God is with us, we can count on Him.

As our friend up on the tight rope crouched beneath the winds, he had at his disposal one thing that changed everything. Across the canyon, on the other side, his father spoke into a microphone that linked to an earpiece and fed directly into the soul of his son.

The son walked as the father talked.

The father encouraged, supported and guided, and the son took another step. He cheered and comforted and listened, and the son took another step. Step-by-step he crossed the cavern and arrived safely at the other side.

Just like this father did for his son, God walks with us and guides us safely from one place to another. When we follow Jesus onto what feels like a tightrope of trust, instead of focusing on what might happen, we can remember what already has happened.

When we remember God’s past faithfulness, we can follow Him into the future with faith, not fear.

Is it time for you to step out on the tightrope of trust?


Let’s Pray

Dear God, Help me rely fully on You today as I count on Your unending love, unbridled power and unchanging character.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn

How has God demonstrated His faithfulness and character in your life?

Use your answer to finish this sentence: Since God {fill in your answer from the question above}, I can move forward with Him today.

Display this sentence somewhere you will see often as a reminder of God’s power, faithfulness and complete control in your life.


More from the Girlfriends

In Katy’s Bible study, She Smiles Without Fear: Proverbs 31 for Every Woman, you’ll learn how to trade your fear of the future for joy in the present.




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© 2023 by Katy McCown. All rights reserved.

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5 Responses to “When Fear Taunts You, Do This”

  1. Carol says:

    This devotion just spoke to my soul!
    On Ash Wed. pm our church, held a prayer/ fast meeting to help our church family, to be led out of the past, dark physical and spiritual covid season.
    A dear sister that I prayed with, was asking for more power to step out in faith. To step into her purpose, with out fear.
    In my own prayer, I understood her perfectly. We need to have and believe in that “miracle mindset” that Jesus displayed here, on earth. He was in a earthly body, but His actions, were like those of a “superman”!
    And the answer to your question, in my response; Acts 17:28 “For in Him,we live and move and have our being”.
    Bless you, in your continuing ministry.

  2. Kimberly Branch says:

    My mother is 79…going on 60! She and my Dad have been married for 63 years and while it’s definitely had its ups and downs, it’s a rare and beautiful gift.
    My Mom was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma 2 weeks ago. It’s been a roller coaster ride ever since she was hospitalized. I had no idea that when I took her to the Dr for the 5th time with “pneumonia” that we would not come home for 8 days. Her “pneumonia “ was actually blood clots in her lungs and a large clot in her leg.
    But …. Looking back at everything we can all see how God has been preparing us for this battle. Every single moment of that last Dr visit was orchestrated by God. There are too many details for this post….but I can sum it up by saying that even as a retired ICU nurse…I felt like this was totally defeating me. But God gave us a renewed sense of His presence that kept us fighting for the next 8 days. I can’t even explain it…it was just an undeniable refusal to let satan enter into any space around my Mom. God reminded me that He had prepared me for this battle with nursing knowledge and the ability to advocate for my Mom. He held us up physically and mentally during those 8 exhausting days.
    Before all of this happened, God had already assembled our Army!! We have an amazing church family. I have a group of women that have become prayer warriors for our family. I have the educational background and the ability to care for my parents in ways that most people don’t.
    But….I have moments when I am SO pressed down with fear!! I have days that I just want to curl up in a corner and cry. I need to grieve…but I need to be strong.
    Those are the times that I know my girlfriends are praying over each stone that God gives me to fight with. Cancer is our Goliath….and bless its heart…Goliath may taunt us with his size and strength….BUT GOD!! We will win this battle….I already know that my mother’s greatest strength is in Christ. I know that as broken as my Dad is….his prayers for my Mom are wrapped up at the foot of the cross. I know that Cancer cannot defeat our family because God has already defeated it. This battle was won before it even started.
    David faced Goliath with every weapon that God gave Him…..God trained and equipped him on a hillside with sheep at a very young age. I believe He uses that same tactic in all of our lives….we just have to be willing to step into situations that can be terrifying and believe from the depths of our soul that God is right there with us.
    My Mom told the Doctor that so gently broke the news that she has this awful and aggressive cancer that either way she wins! That is our stone…her rock solid faith that she will be healed regardless of the giant that we are facing!
    All of our strength and praise are given to God! 💕

  3. Diane says:

    Since God healed me from cervical cancer, I can move forward with Him today.🙏🏼

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8