There always seem to be a million voices vying for my attention. Can you relate? True confessions: I often choose good things instead of the Best thing. Instead of the Best One.

I wish it weren’t the case, but it is. I get easily distracted and frazzled. I never seem to satisfy my to-do list and I struggle with time management. It surprises me continually that God would choose to use a cluttered woman such as me. But His grace abounds. It reaches my most unfocused, unproductive heart places. Grace covers my mess and uncovers His faithfulness.

God’s loving goodness constantly draws me back to His peace.

Oh, how I want to live life in simple grace. To listen intently to the heartbeat of God and respond with love and a twinkling nod. I want my love for Him to always be uncluttered.

The song below finishes this thought. Hope it hits you in a tender heart place.



Β β€œThe LORD preserves the simple; when I was brought low, he saved me.” Psalm 116:6

Blessings and Grace,


77 Responses to “My Uncluttered Prayer”

  1. gail roland says:

    I feel the same way! We i go to pray it seems that everything that can and will come to my mind. Please keep me in your prayers….

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Keep pressing on and into His heart, Gail. Just prayed for you.

      Warmly in Christ,

    • Lora says:

      I have the same problems. At times of prayer my mind is so cluttered with the trials of the day and personal issues that reside in my head. If I could only get my head in pointed in the same direction.

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      …and it goes on and on… but with HIS grace, all is well. Keep going to Him to sift through the clutter, friend. πŸ™‚

    • liesbeth uiterloo says:





    • marge says:

      Beautiful song and so true. Yet jesus is always there.
      Thank you and blessings to you.

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Glad you were blessed by the song!


  2. Tracey Steele says:

    Hia Gwen, thanks for the word and the beautiful song, i feel exhausted and my mouth said things it shouldn’t so it caused pain to my hubby of all people hence the guilt has kicked in now too, your words have encouraged me so thank you again love x

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Hey Tracey.

      Oh, how I can related to that type of tired, verbal fumbling! πŸ™ The Bible reminds us that it’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. So, when we feel tinges of guilt it’s often the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I feel it often and am with you. Press on in holiness, sister. Keep cleaning out the clutter from harsh words – with both Christ and your man – and keep chasing His grace and walking in step with His love.

      Blessings and GiG Hugs!

  3. Lynn says:

    Thank you for this beautiful song which is what i feel, my life seems to be a cluttered over stuffed cupboard which i try to stuff in God too.. I find it is hard to let go of alot of the clutter as it seems to stick onto me, and even when I say I’m letting go of it, the stickiness still remains- keeping me so far from where I want to be with God

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:


      Girlfriend! I’m so with you in the struggle. Glad the song spoke to your heart! Keep pressing on an in to His peace, perspective and purpose…which is found in His presence!

      Warm Blessings,

  4. Angie says:

    Crazy how this was exactly what I blogged about today. Getting rid of all the clutter of life to get back to the real. The things that really matter in life. Being the best ME I can be.
    Keep it Simple is my moto today. Only a few hours in and already a challenge but no one said it was easy. πŸ™‚

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Isn’t it a challenge for all of us? Love your motto. Simple is our friend. πŸ™‚ Keep working your plan to worship and live for what really matters, Angie! πŸ™‚

      In Christ,

  5. tamara says:

    I really appreciate your blog because this was truly for me. Whenever I go to pray, everything seems to appear in my mind that has never to do with the Lord at that time. I get discourage often because I feel that the Lord can’t hear me because of all my clutter. I’m not going to give up. Please keep me in your prayers!

  6. Gigi says:

    My four children and I were abandoned by my husband, working two jobs….tired, but turning it all to the Lord, thank you Gwen for this beautiful song, it was just what I needed and to need to share with a couple of my friends….

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      I’m so glad the music hit you in a tender heart place. Praise God. So sorry for the pain you’ve had to bear, friend. As you unclutter before our Lord, He will continue to bring peace and strength to your soul. Read over Isaiah 40:28-31 today. πŸ™‚


  7. Betty says:

    I just found this thanks to a friend who recommend this site. I have been struggling with prayer time. It seems I can’t finish a thought in my silent prayer time with out something else entering my mind. I am constantly trying to get back on track and it just makes me feel un connected and sad that I can’t control my mind and give all my thoughts to him in our prayer time. This song hit home I feel so cluttered

  8. Ms. T says:


    I came across your blog today! I totally relate to the clutter mess, in my life. Thank you so much, and the song was just the thing I needed.

  9. Shirlie says:

    Hi all
    It’s so great to know that I am not alone in struggling to keep my mind focused on God, especially when I am praying! Thanks for the encouragment! x

  10. Jenni says:

    Thank you Gwen! So needed to read this and hear your song today. It really blessed me. πŸ™‚

    {Hugs & Joy},


    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      So glad God used the devotion to bless you! Thanks for the joy and hugs, Jenni. πŸ™‚ SO giving sending joy and hugs your way too, friend!

      In Grace,

  11. elizama says:

    This song just speaks my heart thouts and soul

  12. Carole says:

    :’-( This is my life!! needs to be UNCLUTTERED!! Thank you so much!

  13. Kim says:

    Wow! Love this song and will share it with all my girlfriends. We all need a little decluttering.

  14. Sharon says:

    Wow! Your song reached in and squeezed my heart. I have been cleaning out so much clutter recently. In the last year I have become a single mother of three teenage daughters, moved, picked up two extra jobs, changed my church home,and turned 50, but you know what? God is Good!!! My new motto has been “SIMPLIFY”. Thank you, what a blessing your song is, I needed to hear that tonight.

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:


      I’m so glad that the song hit you in a heart-place. I’m right there with you. Sifting through clutter. πŸ™‚ Press on and in to His peace, friend!

      Christmas Blessings,

  15. Rona says:

    absolutely beautiful –

  16. Debbie says:

    The song is beatiful! Since the loss of my second Husband, a year Now! It was so Sudden! I Can’t seem to Do Or Say Anything Right! Iam Feel so Lost! In A Dark Place, Full of Nothing But Deppression, & The Feeling Like I will Never Recover From This! I Keep Praying, & Trying to take the step, to go on to go on! But My Heart & Mind are So Very Cluttered!It is 1 step forward & 2 step’s Back!I Dont Know Which way to go? Or What to do? I Know The Lord is With Me! But I cant see What or Where to go? I Just sit in the dark & Cry! I feel like Iam always in the Dark & Alway’s Praying For The Light! Can I Be Fixed?

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Wow, Debbie. That’s hard stuff. I’m not a counselor, but I do know that grieving is a process and is different for each of us. Keep pressing into the Word and promises of God, friend. You are never alone and always loved. See if this song hits you in a heart place too:

      Warm Blessings,

  17. Brenda Mashburn says:

    How beautiful!!! This song meets me where I am today..with a clutterd mind and a busy heart. How sweet it is when I allow time with him.

  18. Mika says:

    i thank God dat put this video on the top of this your blog page.. He knows exactly what i need!

    Thank you very much for a great tune, i needed this;
    pure sound of piano & pure beautiful voice i appreciate so much.+i got the message from God -i hope i’ll be able to keep it.

    i Thank God again….
    &Thank you and your co-workers who enabled this,Mika

  19. Mika says:

    for yr beauuutiful pure voice & piano… i adore them so i thank God for that!!!!

  20. sherrylynne says:

    thanks! it is nice to know i am not alone…

  21. Roberta says:

    As I sit here with tears streaming down my face because your words and this song so touches my heart, it is amazing how God can sometimes use others to express what is in the depths of your soul!!! I am so honored that I have the privilege to link arms with you and our other GIGS and I will continually lift you in my prayers and I ask you to do the same for me because I no longer desire what is good but I long for His best for me as I abide in Him and surrender my will to His. Love you much, Roberta

  22. Carolyn says:

    What an inspiration you are Gwen. You are using the talents God has given you to touch the lives of others! Awesome song. My life was once very cluttered until I realized that all of the stress of things that did not matter were ruining my life! Now that I have committed my life 100% to Christ, I am happier and healthier than I have ever been! I am resting in God’s peace and love.
    Thanks Gwen for the important reminder that we need to “unclutter” our lives from all the worldly mess that does not matter!!
    God Bless you and your family! Have a Merry Christmas!

  23. Enobong says:

    Hi Gwen,
    I feel at home reading this blog. Its like i finally meet with people who feel what i feel and desire to be uncluttered just like i do. It’s a major challenge in my life, wanting to be His child truly and struggling with the clutters of life. But through it all, I know that He who holds me is able to unclutter my life and make me simply live for Him. God bless your ministry.

  24. Terry says:

    Hi Gwen,
    Just listened to your beautiful song about a cluttered life. Mine has always been that way and I can’t seem to get beyond the clutter no matter how much I pray. I am coming to the Johnstown Women’s Alliance Retreat in June 2012 to hear you in person. I feel very strongly about coming after reading about you and listening to your beautiful song that has touched me deeply and hopefully has given me hope
    Love in Christ,

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:


      Thanks for writing. We all struggle with clutter to varying degrees. For each of us, Christ is our solution. πŸ™‚ SO excited that you will be joining us in Johnstown this summer. I’m really looking forward to it!

      Blessings in Christ,

  25. Diane says:

    Thank You Gwen….uncluttered…that’s where I want to be. to be free to be me and to be able to love Him freely…

  26. Maia says:

    I always feel that I have 10 million things in my head. Thank you for this – Now I have the will to streamline my life and keep myself focused on the BEST THING.

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      So know that feeling! Yes. Yes. Yes. May each of us daily choose to fix our eyes on Jesus – the best thing – and live according to His Will and purpose. πŸ™‚

  27. Deana says:

    Thank You for this Song! Such graceful words of encourgement as my Life seem to spin faster on a daily routine with trying please all there just not enough me to go around.The peacefulness in God has called me Back to My First Love Jesus Christ.GodBless You!!! Thanks For Sharing Uncluttered.Please Keep In Your Prayers! Blessings,

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:


      So glad the song blessed you. I know that spinning life well, sister. The BEST place we can be is in HIS presence. That’s where the uncluttering begins.

      In Grace and Peace –


    Gwen can you please teach on prayer? i mean how to pray to get that close and intimate connection with God.

  29. Lynne says:

    My girlfriend sent me this today. I have been “away” with weddings, graduations, reunion, vacation and a very busy time at work with the loss of one of my employees. I missed my daily time with God but when I squeezed in a little time I couldn’t focus because there were too many other things vying for my attention. Unbelievable that this would come to me at this time of such need. I thank you for your song and blogs. Just started today but will be your girlfriend forever!!!

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Awesome! God’s timing is perfect… gotta love it. SO glad to have you as a girlfriend forever!! πŸ™‚


  30. Selim A says:

    Thanx Gwen,
    I so needed to hear this song. There’s so much going on in my life right now that i get distracted every time i sit down to pray. I want my prayer to be uncluttered. Lord, please help me clean out my closet n break down some walls, Amen!!!

  31. Raquel says:

    Thanks Gwen!

    I love the song and your blog you posted. What a great truth! I feel like my life is constantly “cluttered” with trying to get EVERYTHING done and then making time for my children and husband. It’s difficult as a Mom because I think we all feel overwhelmed! I feel like I’m always spreading myself so thin and giving everyone attention but myself and God.

    This week I just started a new commitment, a new Godly path of renewing myself and my relationship with God and then taking care of everyone else. I truly believe this will make my life more “uncluttered” and more God’s will!

    Thanks again! πŸ™‚

  32. shoba says:

    nice song….very true

  33. Sharon L says:

    I saw you on TCT yesterday and since I want to connect with other Christian women, I decided to check out the website.

    When I looked at the latest blog posts, I was drawn to this one for some reason. I played the song and it was pretty although being hearing impaired, I wasn’t able to make out a lot of the words.

    I can relate to the mind being cluttered and having a hard time praying. One thing that I’ve done to help me a bit is to create a prayer list for things I want to pray for. When I pray, I kneel with the list in front of me. I then pray as much as I can on my own and then use the prayer list and go through each one reading what I have written and then praying on it quietly. This seems to help a bit. I’ve also found journaling to God to be a form of prayer that works well for me.

    • Avatar photo Gwen says:

      Thanks, Sharon. I’m like you. Love to journal my prayer needs and heart thoughts. It keeps me focused when I go before the LORD. πŸ™‚ Glad you stopped by! Hope you sign up for the devotions and swing by regularly.

      In Christ,

  34. Rachel says:


    I am so thankful that you touched on this subject! Sometimes when I try to pray to God and next thing I know I am drifting off into something I have to do or something that happened, then I come back and realize I was praying to God. I worried about that all the time. I was afraid that God would be upset with me that I wasn’t totally focused on Him!

    In God’s Love,

  35. Joanna says:

    This song have been a real blessing to me. I have just discovered it and have played it over and over as I let the message really take root in my heart.

  36. lorilyn says:

    you don’t know how much I needed this today…Thank you from my heart

  37. Faith says:

    Beautiful music and words! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to coming back to your site and read/listen/share.

  38. Amazing song! This song really spoke to my heart. Thanks for sharing with us. Looking more songs from you.

  39. Tempe Christian church says:

    Nice music gwen!This song just speaks my heart thouts and soul.I thank you for your song and blogs. Try to visit this gwen.

  40. Claudia says:

    I known this devotional and worship song was written a while back but it is so relevant and fitting today. There seems to be so many things on our minds that it is diffucult to spend quality quiet time with the Lord. Thank you for sharing and my desire is that my time with him will be uncluttered.

  41. Gail says:

    Just said a prayer for Canarsie! Good Music, Gwenn!

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8