Today’s Truth

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all You have done; I reflect on the work of Your hands (Psalm 143:5 CSB)


Friend to Friend

I was standing in a chapel that’s over a hundred years old with a small candle in my hand. The tiny flame cast a soft light toward the bricks and stained-glass windows. A holy hush filled the room between Christmas carols and it felt as if my soul let out a sigh.

It had been a busy week, after all. There were trips to stores for last-minute gifts, delicious things to bake in the oven, dinner with friends where the topic of conversation turned to our plans for the new year. But in the silence and stillness of the Christmas Eve candlelight service, I realized I needed to catch my breath before I got to Christmas morning, before I reached the first page of another calendar. I needed a pause in the middle of the hustle the season can bring. Maybe you do too, this year.

I think of what David said, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands” (Psalm 143:5). What if those three words—remember, meditate, reflect—offer us a three-step process, a way of slowing ourselves down and connecting with God during this busy time of year?

To remember means to recount or be mindful. With the new year knocking on our doors, it can be easy to overlook what has come before. Moses told the Israelites over and over, “Remember….” We can do the same by asking this simple question: What has God brought me through this year?

After we’ve focused on what’s happened we can go deeper by not only remembering but meditating. This word simply means to think about something in an intentional way. In other words, we’re not just recalling specific events but considering Who’s behind them. We can ask ourselves, “Where have I seen God’s hand in my life this year?”

Once we recognize God’s hand in our lives we can reflect on what He has done for us. As David often showed through his psalms, this leads to gratitude, praise and spiritual growth. We can ask, “What am I grateful for this year and what have I learned that will help me grow in the next year?”

Going through these questions doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. You can pause right now and think through them, talk about them with friends and family or consider them over candlelight on an almost silent night. Eventually the service ended and I stepped into the brightness of a noisy foyer filled with people. The holy hush of the last few moments was over. But my heart felt more prepared to go back into the middle of all that was happening. I even felt a bit more excitement about the new year coming.

We live in a world that tells us we must always keep moving. But sometimes what we need most is to pause for a few moments. Sometimes we go forward by looking back. Sometimes we make progress by being still. Sometimes silence is where we finally discover what our hearts really need to hear.

Yes, Christmas is a time to celebrate, rejoice and connect. Let’s also offer our hurried hearts the gift of a few moments to remember, meditate and reflect.


Let’s Pray

Dear God, please still my hurried heart this Christmas. Prince of Peace, please help me remember what You’ve done, meditate on Your Truth, and choose gratitude this season.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn 

As you take time to consider these three questions, we’d love to hear: What is one thing you’re grateful for this year?


More from the Girlfriends

Holley Gerth is planning to find a few moments of quiet this Christmas season. Those moments will likely include three of her favorite things: a fuzzy blanket, mug of something cozy and encouraging words. She’d love to help you as well as your friends and family have less stress and more peace too through books like her latest devotional, What Your Mind Needs for Anxious Moments: A 60-day Guide to Take Control of Your Thoughts. Enter your email here and you’ll receive 3 of the devos right away—for free.


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© 2022 by Holley Gerth. All rights reserved.


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8 Responses to “Three Questions that Will Change Your Christmas Season”

  1. Sarah says:

    I’m grateful for the health of myself, my husband and my children.

  2. Michelle says:

    I am grateful for the hope God gives us when we trust in Him.

  3. Carol says:

    “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
    I looked up the lyrics; God is our great Father!
    He has been with me through years of rebellion, tough trials, parents’ deaths, health issues, and He has shown up in so many ways!
    I’m so grateful for His continued watchfulness over my life, and His guidance continues!
    Praise His name!

  4. Noemi says:

    God is good🙌🏼🙌🏼 He never leaves me always makes me aware that He is in control of every situation in my life and the life of my loved ones 🙏🏻It’s been a tuff year but He is faithful to keep all His promises 🙏🏻🙏🏻Be still and know that iam God🙏🏻
    He gives the peace that overpasses all understanding🙏🏻🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼Hallelujah gory to Jesús 🙏🏻

  5. Pam B says:


    I am so thankful and grateful to be 60 years old and to be able to have my parents with us to be able to create more memories.And reflect back over life for the good the bad and all things.

    And for me to be a grandmother and create memories as well.

    Prayers for us all in Jesus matchless name 🙏 name

  6. Diane says:

    I was adopted at birth and moved across state lines 4 days later. Fifty-four years had passed, May 2021, I found my birth Mom, and half sister. It was revealed to me that I had a full blood brother whom was adopted at birth as well. He and I were born in the same hospital. That’s all I knew and/or was told. I did not know his birth date, birth year, name … nothing. I could not seek him, so prayed he’d find me. In January of this year, God brought my 53 year old ‘little’ brother to and he reached out to me! He lives less than two hours drive away. We met almost immediately thereafter and became fast friends. To top it off, he has spent his entire adult life teaching youth about Jesus. He is not only my brother by blood, but my brother in Christ. Thank You, Lord!

  7. Jedidiah says:

    I am all so grateful for the gift of life and salvation. I’m grateful for overflowing Love, Joy unspeakable, unwavering Mercy and Amazing Grace, I can go on and on but, Thank you God the Father, Son and Holy spirit.

  8. Melanie says:

    I am so thankful that the Lord brought a beautiful, smart, loving you woman into our son’s life. He thought he would never find someone. At 32 he had never dated and already given up trying. (I was still praying for him.) He had his first date, and he was smitten immediately. His first hand holding, his first kiss and he proposed in April and they married in November. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful gift to us all!

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8