Today’s Truth

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds (Psalm 77:11-12 NIV)


Friend to Friend 

I suppose I have my hot flashes to thank.

The changes in my body sent me searching for solutions. I saw a doctor in the medical center near my house, but I didn’t like the options I was given. I decided to look up the doctor who had helped me birth three babies (along with two miscarriages). Although her office was a bit of a commute, it felt like coming home when I walked through the doors. It had been twelve years since I’d visited her office.

Looking at the pregnant woman sitting across from me in the waiting room, I remembered with a smile what it was like to be in her place. That was a long time ago! The waiting room – what a perfect name for expectant mothers. Feelings of gratitude and nostalgia swept over me. After struggling with infertility and praying so many prayers for a child, I had sat in this office waiting too. Now I have two teen girls and a son in college. College! God has been so faithful from the moment my son was born until now. When I visited that doctor’s office, I was jolted to remember the goodness of God. Today’s truth beckons us to remember.

Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV) declares, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

The psalmist begins with “I will.” This isn’t a maybe, chance, or random type of thing. It’s an act of the will to remember.

What are we instructed to remember? The deeds of the Lord. The miracles of long ago.

What are some of the deeds God has done in your life? Maybe He has blessed you with children, or a meaningful job. Maybe He has provided rent money when it looked like you weren’t going to have enough. Have you witnessed miracles in your life or the lives of your friends? Remember those miracles; don’t let them be forgotten.

We can read about the miracles in the Bible like the parting of the Red Sea, manna coming down from heaven, or the feeding of the five thousand and remember the power of God. When we dwell on God’s might, it helps us to know that everything is going to be alright.

The nation of Israel knew what it was like to feel afraid, defeated, and outnumbered. They wondered how they would drive out the nations from the Promised Land because the other nations were so much stronger. Deuteronomy 7:18-19 (NIV) answers that question, “Do not be afraid of them; remember well what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt. You saw with your own eyes the great trials, the signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the Lord your God brought you out.”

God can bring you out from whatever circumstance threatens to beat you down.

When I saw my doctor again, we hugged and compared life notes about our growing children. It was a sweet time, not only of me getting the physical help I needed, but of reminiscing about how far God had brought my family.

The next time you go to the doctor’s office, it probably won’t feel like a family reunion. It may even be gut wrenching. Whatever that office visit holds, make the decision beforehand that you will remember the goodness of God and His works. The Great Physician is not limited in any way. He can work all things, including the frailty of our bodies, for good. Remember how He has brought you through in the past–and how He can do it again.


Let’s Pray

Dear God, You have done great things. I remember the works of Your hands today. Thank you for providing for me, every day of my life. With all that is within me, I bless Your Name. Be glorified in my present circumstances.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn  

What are the mighty deeds God has done in your life?

Talk to a family member or a friend about these good deeds today. Take time to remember and give thanks. This will not only stir up your faith, it will encourage the one you are talking to.


More from the Girlfriends

Did you know Arlene has a weekly podcast to equip families? It’s called the Happy Home and is always packed with things to learn from guest experts, practical applications, and a few laughs. You can listen to the Happy Home podcast wherever you get your podcasts and always at AccessMore.

© 2023 by Arlene Pellicane. All rights reserved.

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10 Responses to “Remembering at the Doctor’s Office”

  1. Joy says:

    Thank you, Arlene, Please pray that God will soon bring me out of circumstances beating me down. I feel I’m on a treadmill going no where. God has helped me countless times in the past, but I feel pretty hopeless this time.

  2. Carol says:

    Thank you, Arlene for this “hit home” msg.
    I’m going through a season of doctoring, but God has gently pulled me through and the process has reminded me to rely on a fruit of the Spirit, Patience.
    I will remember!
    And Joy, I’ll be remembering you today in prayer. Whatever it is, God is there with you. Remember His guiding from the past and try to praise Him, no matter how discouraged you feel. Look up the praise song, “Gratitude” (B.Lake); it will help release your heart.

  3. Tami says:

    I am reminded of the song “ Count Your Blessings”! Count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what The LORD hath done!

    Today, I am counting mine! So many to count!

    Joy, I am praying for you!

  4. Jessie says:

    I love how a simple thing such as a doctor’s visit can become such a good lesson.

  5. Joy…may your name remind you that the joy of the Lord is your strength. May He give you joy and blessing. May He get you off that treadmill and heading in a good direction. Thank you Carol, Tami and Jessie for your great comments.

  6. Tiffany says:

    This was exactly what I needed today. Thank you, Arlene.

  7. Tiffany says:

    Joy, I feel for you. I’m sorry you’re feeling beat down and like you’re going nowhere. I remember a season like that in my own life. A verse that I clung to was Ps. 18:28…”You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.” God will sustain you through this, and somehow, will turn all the hard, painful moments into something good for you, His daughter. I love that about Him. It’s like He commands the hard moments to yield something for His children.

  8. Arlene Pellicane says:

    I’m so glad Tiffany!

  9. Sandy says:

    This for sure hit home. I just retired from a 35 year career that I started in my early 20’s. Now I’m 61 and I’m finally done. It was bitter sweet, but like you I remembered thru the years how the Lord provided for me in so many ways. I worked in NYC so it was a bit scary riding the subways and buses, but thru it all He protected me. How I used to worry about leaving the kids with babysitters or in school and He protected my babies every day. Those babies have grown up and have families of their own. How I had found favor with the numerous Bosses I had. How I worried about the bills, mortgage, food, essentials for the kids but yet, He met every need. How He gave me the strength to be a Mom, Wife and to serve in different capacities in Church. Looking back I know it was Him. How can I not be thankful. I thanked Him everyday. When I finally left my job I was crying so much, yes I was going to miss that old life but I was really shedding tears of gratitude because He indeed had been faithful. Now as I start a new chapter I’m excited to see what He will do in my life. I moved to the sunshine state and I’m excited of the new things He will do. He’s faithfulness never cease to amaze me.

  10. Wow Sandy – God has provided and what a wonderful experience you have had. Now the next chapter is going to be amazing!!!

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8