Today’s Truth

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40 ESV).


Friend to Friend:

Have you ever gone through a situation and wondered, Jesus where are YouIf You had been here, this wouldn’t have happened. The loss of a loved one? The crash of a car? The devastation of property? Did you know that two women in the Bible felt the same way…and actually told Jesus just how they felt about it!

Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and their brother, Lazarus. He often stopped by their home for a hot meal during His travels. I’d dare say they were some of His closest friends. And yet, when the girls sent someone to tell Jesus that Lazarus was sick, He didn’t go…at least not right away.

The Bible tells us, “So, when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea” (John 11:6-7 NIV).

It’s the word “so” that stops me in my tracks. He loved them “so” He didn’t go. The sentence doesn’t say, but He stayed there two more days, as if it were a careless mistake. It says so as if it were a calculated plan. It was. 

Once Jesus decided to return to Bethany of Judea, His disciples tried to talk Him out of it. A short while ago, the folks there had tried to kill Him. But Jesus wasn’t worried.

He told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him” (John 11:14-15).

Hold on just a minute. Did you catch what Jesus just said? “I’m glad I wasn’t there.” Those words stop me in my tracks too. Why was Jesus glad that one of His best friends had died? Because God had a greater plan.

When I go through something painful, I don’t want a friend to say to me, “I’m glad it happened.” If they did, they wouldn’t be a friend much longer. However, God sees what we can’t see. Sometimes what we have in mind is not what God has in store. 

Why would Jesus say, “I’m glad I wasn’t there?” Why would God be glad that hurt that feels like it is tearing us apart happened? I think it is because He knows that the mended heart will be much more stunning and substantially stronger than the unscathed soul. He looks through the lens of the process to view the finished product we cannot see.

It’s hard when you read the stories in the Bible or hear about a modern-day miracle and know that God can do something but He’s not doing it for you. I’m sure it was hard for Mary and Martha who had seen Jesus do magnificent miracles to understand why he wasn’t doing one for them. We silently think, If God really loved me, He would…

Answer my prayer.

Stop the struggle.

Rush to my rescue.

Send me a husband.

Make me fertile.

Save my husband.

And He would do it now.

When Jesus finally arrived, Martha ran to Him and said, “If you had been here my brother would not have died” (John 11:21). Then Mary ran to Him and said the same words (John 11:32). Two sisters. One conclusion. 

Have you ever said those words? I’ll admit, I have. Men and women throughout the Bible voiced their disappointment when God didn’t act as they had hoped. Even Jesus, when He hung on the cross, did not call out the comforting words of the twenty-third Psalm but the agonizing words of the twenty-second.

God promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us. And yet, when we are in the dark chapters of our story, it can feel as if He is far, far away. And we wonder why He didn’t stop the thing that tore our world apart from happening. Because He has a plan.

After Jesus spoke to Martha and Mary, He walked to Lazarus’s tomb—a cave sealed by a large stone. Nothing going in. Nothing coming out. Or so it seemed. Then Jesus said, “Lazarus come out” and he did.

Sometimes a seemingly bad thing happens so that God’s best can be born. Jesus told Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40).

God frees us from our small, short-sighted interpretations to reveal a complex multi-layered ending that makes our jaws drop. All the while asking, “Will you trust me?”

And when we echo Martha’s cry, God where are You? His answer is always, I’m right here. Working all this out for your good. 


Let’s Pray

Father, help me trust that You always have a better plan for my life than I could ever come up with on my own.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Let’s Keep in Touch

June 30, 2023, Girlfriends in God is coming to a close. Thank you for linking arms with us in ministry for the past 17 years. We still want to share life with you! Click here to continue receiving devotions from Sharon Jaynes on Tuesdays. Click here to continue receiving devotions from Mary Southerland on Wednesdays. Click here to continue receiving devotions from Gwen Smith on Thursdays.


Now It’s Your Turn

What difficult situation do you need to trust Jesus with today?


More From the Girlfriends

Today’s devotion was an excerpt from Sharon’s book, Never Less Than: Living Empowered, Esteemed, and Equipped When the Word Tells You Otherwise. Get Your copy today.

(This is a revised and updated edition of How Jesus Broke the Rules to Set You Free).



Click here to sign up for Sharon’s weekly devotions and receive a FREE ebook, Listening to God Day-by-Day. This is a download.



© 2023 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.


15 Responses to “Jesus, Where Are You?”

  1. Sheila says:

    Morning Sharon
    After reading this it reminds me that God is so faithful and has a totally different plan than mine. But I do say God where are you some days. I have been praying, my church family is praying and people I don’t even know are praying that my son that is an addict will get clean. It has effected the whole family. But I’m not giving up although there are days I don’t think I can do this another day. He live with us so each day I see him it wants me to try and take control when I know there is nothing I can do to change it. My son is such an incredible person but now you would never know he is the same person. I will just keep praying and I know God is going to answer my prayer.


  2. Carol says:

    Dear Sister Shelia…
    I read you comment, and it touched my heart. I’m praying right now, that God gives your son
    a “Damascus” moment; a reality check with sober clarity.

    “Father God. Dear Shelia has mentioned her son’s addiction, and how it has effected her family. Lord, You know how much this affliction of drugs has gripped our society and how it must hurt Your heart, too. Please hear her prayers for her son to become clean and whole again. Work a miracle here, Lord to reclaim this young man for Your Glory and make him a living testament of Your power for a changed mind, body and soul. It can only happen, through the powerful name of Jesus! We will thank you, in advance…we love You and praise You for all answers to our prayers. Amen”

  3. Jan says:

    I’m so very sad that Girlfriend’s in God will no longer be available. I am so thankful for what you’ve all meant to my spiritual growth through the years. May the Lord greatly bless each of you for your contributions and I know girlfriends around the world will join me in praying Numbers 6:24-26 over you:

    “The Lord bless you and keep you,
    the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you,the Lord turn His face to you and give you peace.”

  4. Grace says:

    I am am just seeing the note the girlfriends and God will end on June 30. Other than the individual links is there a plan to continue any type of public devotion thank you, Grace.

  5. Tamara says:

    Will the devotions previously published on Girlfriends In God still be available to read after June 30?

  6. Tamara says:

    Will previously published devotions on Girlfriends In God still be available to read after June 30?

  7. Cordelia Bland says:

    So very said to hear the Girlfriends in God will be ending. Many time have I come here and gotten the exact message I needed, I was truly amazed that the devotion for the day matched what I was going through. I thank you for all you ladies have done in presenting the word of God. I wish you much success in your new endeavors. May God truly bless you all!

  8. Janeth says:

    I’ve been visiting this site for almost three years now. It has truly been a blessing and helped me through so much. God has used each writer to help so many people. In some of my lowest moments, I’ve seen God speak to me through Girlfriends in God’s devotions. Thank you for being such an encouragement to us all.

    One of the things that I need help trusting God with today is help with grieving. I lost my best friend in 2020, and I’ve noticed my faith has shrunk since. I think I blamed God unconsciously. I’ve been praying about it for some time. I know it will get better. Please keep me in your prayers.

  9. Melissa Shelley says:

    I’m very sad to see that Girlfriends in God will not be continuing. You’ve helped me through the past 10 years and I’ve always found comfort when I read your devotionals. Thank you for providing such a powerful tool. You will be greatly missed.

  10. Peggy says:

    I am very sad to see you are no longer continuing your daily devotional. I have been a fan of yours for years starting my day with you all and Gods word. You have blessed me and I’m sure many more so I pray God will continue to walk with us all!

  11. Pamela says:

    I didn’t know that “girlfriends” will be ending. This makes me very sad. But it will be available certain days?
    May God bless you and your readers.

  12. Becky says:

    I wrote a comment on this devotion that was under moderation. I understand the need for comments to be approved. I also am aware that you’re preparing to close out this ministry.

    I don’t believe God cares about me anymore. Hope is nearly gone. I wrote my pain and despair in my comment and then asked God to restore a mustard seed of hope. I’m assuming my comment wasn’t approved; I’m okay with that decision. There was no mustard seed of hope, no affirmation that I’m still on God’s radar.

    I wish you well in your future ministries. May you continue to blessed by God’s guidance, love and grace.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8