Today’s Truth

Search Me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24 ESV).

Friend to Friend

My son Preston called from the nurse’s office at the middle school early one morning. Here’s how the conversation went:

“Hey mom. It’s Preston. I’m not feeling well, and I have a temperature of 96.5. Can you come get me?”

“96.5 degrees?” I asked. “Honey, that’s below normal! That doesn’t sound right.”

“I know,” he said, “but I don’t feel well. Can you please come pick me up?”

“Sure, honey. I’ll be right there.”

I chuckled the whole way to the school at what he had said. Surely he misread the thermometer! A normal temperature is 98.6 degrees. Something was off.

I got to the school in a North Carolina minute and headed straight to the nurse’s office. While Preston packed his bag to go home, I spoke privately to the school nurse. With a grin on her face, she explained to me that Preston was resistant to putting the thermometer under his tongue as she had instructed him to do. He wasn’t comfortable with that. “So,” she said, “he held the thermometer between his lips.” The nurse and I exchanged amused glances as I thanked her for helping my son.

Although Preston knew something wasn’t right with his body, the nurse didn’t get an accurate temperature reading because he didn’t place the thermometer deep enough into his mouth. He didn’t let it probe past the surface of his lips.

Later that night, as I thought back on the day, the Lord spoke to my heart. I realized that I’m often as stubborn as Preston because at times I resist having an accurate reading of my spiritual wellness. Times when I won’t let God probe past the surface of my heart, my actions, my attitudes, and my perspective … when I don’t allow God to reveal the accurate spiritual temperature of my life. Because I’m not always comfortable with deeper-level stuff… so I don’t sit still to listen.

I was disturbed by that thought.

I needed to be disturbed by that thought. By that reality.

Just because I’ve been a Christian for a long time doesn’t mean I’m always in great spiritual health. In fact, the more I learn about God’s holiness, the more I realize how much I need His grace and strength every day to lead me in His wellness.

You might not “feel well” today. Perhaps you have spiritual indigestion from your marriage, your children, your friendships, your finances, your singleness, or your conversations.

You could be “sick” from the shows you watch, the internet relationships you’ve developed, the gossip or harsh words you’ve allowed to pass from your lips, or the jealousy you feel in your heart.

Maybe you haven’t allowed your heart to be probed recently… you’ve been resistant because you don’t like to feel uncomfortable, convicted, or exposed.

The Bible tells us that the kindness of God leads us to repentance, and repentance leads us to restoration. To wellness and holiness in Christ. David sought spiritual wellness by going straight to God. “Search Me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24).

What’s your spiritual temperature? Are you hot or cold? Is the flame of faith in your heart fading or raging? Have you sat still long enough lately to ask God to search your heart?

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, I’m sorry for the times when I go about my own way without listening or following Your lead. Search my heart right now. Point out where I need correction and direction. Strengthen me to walk in Your ways.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn 

How are you feeling spiritually? Spend a few moments considering your spiritual wellness. Ask God to probe your heart and reveal areas in your life that need to be made right with Him.

Let’s pray together today. Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.

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Studying the Bible is important to help you know and trust God more. It equips you with His power, presence, perspective and peace. It informs your emotions, increases courage, decreases doubt, and bolsters believing.  

© 2022 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.

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25 Responses to “How Are You Feeling?”

  1. Sheila says:

    I pray this moment that I will slow down so that I can see where my spiritual health is. I wake every morning with my mind going in a million directions. Most days I don’t let God speak to me but my prayer today is that I will listen to God speaking to me. I want every part of me to be right with God. I am filled with anxiety and fear today. I pray I can give this to God this moment and that I’m filled with his spiritual wellness.
    Blessings to all

  2. Susan says:

    I totally understand Sheila. Right now I am having such a difficult time staying focused on God. I want to be bathed in God’s peace, not worry.

  3. Dawn says:

    I am waking each morning with my mind going a million miles a minute and I am filled with anxiety, worries, dread, depression, sadness, loneliness and FEAR and my mind goes to the worse thoughts. I want to be stronger in my faith and trust in the Lord. I am convicted by this devotion but don’t want to believe that I am this weak. I pray the Lord will help me.

  4. Kari Lyons says:

    Pray for 35 year marriage I’ve wanted out of for 34 years. We are a financial mess, sleep in separate rooms and he does nothing with me. Always tired, always sick. My last 20 years or whatever God gives me, are going to be the same.

  5. Carol says:

    This reading today was timely. I desire a deeper relationship with the Lord. His grace and mercy amazes ms and I never want to take it for granted. Not in a good place right now spiritually. Pray for my mind, emotions and well being. Thank you

    • Avatar photo Gwen Smith says:

      Praying for you and with you, Carol! Thanks for sharing this. Read Isaiah 43:1-3 and consider what the LORD wants you to rest in…


  6. Sharon Brand says:

    How is it that after years of getting to know my Lord and Savior that I am still amazed at his timing. Today is the first day in months that I found 15 minutes to sit on my front porch swing with a mug of coffee and spend time reading a devotional….
    Gwen, thank you for hearing and listening to what God is asking you to share. This hits home like a semi-tractor trailer.
    I long to be better at setting aside time with Him. To have my spiritual temperature taken more often and more accurately.

    • Avatar photo Gwen Smith says:

      Sharon! I just love that we were having coffee together on your porch swing!! 🙂 AND, of course, I love that the LORD used this devotion to draw you deeper to HIS heart. Thanks for doing life with us!!


  7. Wendy says:

    I am thankful today for this devotion. I too have been dealing with anxiety, depression, sadness, and most of all fear. I pray today that God would reveal Himself to me in a remarkable way that I may know what He wants me to do. I trust Him with my life and will continue to love and serve Him. May God give to us all the strength, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to seek Him daily and totally rely on Him. Have a blessed day!

  8. Kristina says:

    Devotional on spiritual temperature brought my lack of obedience to unceasing prayer. I rise at 630 a.m. by 745 a.m. I am reading from my 3 Bible based websites. This is one of them. Every morning I ask myself did you complete your prayer last night? Answer is the same, no I fell asleep without knowing I drifted in sleep. That is my “temperature spike”, a weakness I seem sometimes not so worried about it. God knows what I wanted to pray for before I started. Yet God’s word says to pray without ceasing. So what’s my problem? I pray that God will jump start me to stay awake when I pray at night. Throughout the day you can talk to God and Jesus. I need to stabilize my temperature before I sleep. This world is not our home, a carnal cage which is temporary until Jesus’s return. Keep His Glorious light within you each moment.

  9. Marcia says:

    Very timely message and verse for me.
    I was approved for food stamps yesterday and my heart/spirit is heavy because I was not truthful on the application.
    I am out of work yet the Lord has provided for me so I can survive.I do not need the money.

    I was thinking I would bless a hungry family with it or just call and cancel it.

    Looking for wise counsel.

    PS Pray that I will get a new job very soon.
    God bless

    • Avatar photo Gwen Smith says:

      LOVE your honesty here, Marcia!! Totally praying for your career opportunities and for the LORD to lead you in HIS ways and wisdom. 🙂


  10. Rose says:

    Please pray for me. I am 46 years old and still single. Ive been in two relationships both lasted and ended in five years. I always have a close relationship with our Lord and been prayfor a good husband since high school. I feel incomplete. Praying for peace, enlightenment, direction and wisdom. Thank you GIG🙏

  11. Denise says:

    I feel anxious a lot but then I remind myself that God is in control But I think I say those words because that’s what “we” always say. I would like to just surrender it to Him hands down. I realize it is the enemy that puts doubt and insecurities in my head. I pray I go forward in today knowing that I am a child of God. Who knows me better than myself. That I will see in myself a gleamer of what God sees in me. Amen

    • Avatar photo Gwen Smith says:

      This is powerful, Denise. I hope you wrote this in your journal! Or at least on a sticky note that you can put on your bathroom mirror!! 🙂 Praying for you now, friend.


  12. Diane says:

    Lord, Help me to help my students grow and learn with motivation, integrity, peace and joy. To surrender all worry, and control of pleasing the flesh: parents, admin, and my own expectations of my self. Remind me I can’t do this on my own. I invite you to work in me and through me. Bring me and all who cross my path your light and wisdom, the desire to keep moving forward and some laughter along the way. In Jesus name, Amen

    • Avatar photo Gwen Smith says:

      Amen and amen! Love this, Diane. Thanks for teaching… three of my best friends are teachers and it’s a huge challenge! Keep praying this way and allowing the Lord to probe your heart! The rest is in HIS hands.


  13. Rose says:

    I love t0 read the Psalms it a song of praise to our God.
    The story about your Son,he knew something is wrong,so too if we read the words of God i too will know when I am off track

    Thanks for sharing Blessings

  14. Mary Taylor says:

    This devotional has made me so aware of my distance from God. I read and study the Bible and Christian books, think, worry, try to analyze and apply what I’ve read or heard but I rarely talk to God on a deep level and even less often spend time waiting for insight from Him. Depression and anxiety are an everyday and every night companion. A friend is advising me to try an antidepressant. Praying that it might help me focus on my relationship with God and be able to open up and trust Him.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8