Today’s Truth

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away (Revelation 21:4 NIV).



Friend to Friend

When my children were little, they watched the same VHS tapes over and over and over. Classics like Big Trucks, Little Bear, and Arthur. Fun shows like Veggie Tales and an adventurous video series featuring first-responders called Rescue Heroes.

One of their favorite Christian videos featured a guy called the Donut Man. He taught Bible stories and used simple songs to point kids to the Lord. While holding a donut in his hand, he’d sing the theme song each time that went something like this. “Life without Jesus is like a Donut… ‘cause there’s a hole in the middle of your heart.” Then at the end of the tune he’d stick a munchkin-like circle donut in the middle of the regular donut to fill the gap. 

It was rockstar Mick Jagger who emphatically sang, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” Though he tried, and he tried, and he tried, really tried lots of different things of the world, our buddy Mick was still left longing. Hungry for more. Thirsty for peace. Wanting the hole in his heart to be filled. Just like the Donut Man talked about.

The truth is we all have holes in our hearts. Holes we try to fill with things like: accomplishment, shopping, sex, eating, comparing, decorating, or gossiping. Sometimes even good works. But we still feel anxiety. We still ache with loneliness. We question our purpose. 

Yet, God stands ready to meet us in the center of every tension. 

In my heart, I’ve known Him to whisper, “Gwen, be still. I’m right here. And I am what your heart is longing for.”

There’s a day coming when all our longings will be satisfied. 

A day when heaven and earth are made new. 

Psalm 87 is an ancient Hebrew song that speaks of this future time and can be a confusing read without context. It references a time written about in Revelation 21 after Christ returns when, for those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of Life, all earthly desires will be satisfied in Jesus as He rules eternally in Zion, the holy mountain of God in Jerusalem. 

He founded his city on the holy mountain. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are said of you, city of God: “I will record Rahab and Babylon among those who acknowledge me—Philistia too, and Tyre, along with Cush—and will say, ‘This one was born in Zion.’” 

Indeed, of Zion it will be said, “This one and that one were born in her, and the Most High himself will establish her.” The Lord will write in the register of the peoples: “This one was born in Zion.” As they make music they will sing, “All my fountains are in you” (Psalm 87:1-7).

When Jesus returns and the earth is made new, there will be no more holes in our hearts. 

Frustrations, tensions, and strivings will cease. 

Joy will be complete. 

Our souls will be fully content. 

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

There will be no more sorrow, death, mourning, or crying. The Lord will wipe every tear from the eyes of His people. And I’m ready for it.

Jesus will be the peace to end all restlessness. 

10,000 years and then forevermore. Yes, and amen.


Let’s Pray 

Dear Lord, Let my joy be found in You today. Meet me in the center of my longings and be my Portion. Help me know and embrace the grace and peace You died for me to know, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn  

What’s stirring your restlessness today? Let’s pray together.
Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.


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© 2023 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.

16 Responses to “Fully Content”

  1. Jen says:

    My job is stirring my restlessness. There is a lot of emotional and mental stress that comes along with it. So many days I just want to escape it. I have applied and interviewed for other jobs, but each time the door is blatantly closed which is reassuring that God has placed me where I am supposed to be for now, but I feel worn, weary and discouraged a lot. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement today.

  2. Debbie says:

    Your comment is exactly what I have been experiencing at work. I am so conflicted because I love the organization and the people, it’s just the day to day stressors.
    I know God is growing me, but it is definitely painful at times. I have also been so blessed to see Him working all things together for good.
    I pray for our peace and for our eyes to be focused on Him. We only need to be still. (Definitely not my strength)☺️

  3. Julie says:

    My view of myself is stirring my restlessness and has been for some time. I have lost 30 pounds and feel better but it isn’t enough. I pray that I can see myself the way God sees me and that I am enough just the way i am. I also pray that God will give me the strength to push forward with losing more weight and I look forward to the day I can do what I use to do physically.

  4. Stephanie says:

    Thank you as today’s devotion is a reminder that God has everything in control. I’ve been a bit restless as my health has hit a bump this year and it has me worried. I just need to rest in Him and remember he sees me, knows me, and will heal me. He is right beside me.

  5. Ryoko says:

    Couple things…I live with 6yrs old little gbaby and she has Autism and don’t know if she is going to kindergarten or to be like other 6yr olds. Also I am going to Japan and I lost my mother last Aug so she won’t be there and wanting His help to guide me through this visit.

  6. Sara says:

    I am in a waiting period. I currently do not have a job and my husband and I are very involved in the Gideon ministry. I am praying and asking for wisdom and guidance on the next part of my life. Do I go back to work? Do I do more volunteering? Sometimes I feel as if I’m not doing enough. I also do not have any children at home anymore.

  7. Judy says:

    The hole is so big. Only 61 and lost two husbands I loved so deeply. I am blessed with hospital volunteering, lay leader at church, and now getting another graduate degree at seminary in ministry. My life is full yet I don’t feel like I belong anywhere. I glue myself to God yet I long to be a couple again. The two I love are the only ones I want to be with. Life is full and life is empty. Perhaps this is my thorn to bear to keep my eyes on Jesus. It is so painful most days I pray to take me home. As are you, I am ready any time. Thank you for daily hope ♥️

  8. Kathy says:

    I appreciate your devotions and your encouragement. Life sure keeps me busy, but I love my devotion time best. It really helps me stay focused and grounded in Christ. Thank you!

  9. Liz says:

    Jen, Stephanie, and Judy. I prayed for you this morning. May you each sense the Lord’s comfort and nearness during these difficult circumstances.

  10. Joy says:

    I have sent a salvation letter to our friends in Florida. They are going through a terrible time. He beloved wife is dying of aggressive breast cancer. Thank you Gwen for this devotional – especially the Revelations verse. Please pray. Also, to my dear sister in Christ, Judy. I’m 65, I’ve not lost my husband of 41 years yet, but he has COPD which seems to get worse every day, I cannot imagine life without him, dear friend! I pray that God’s presence would surround and comfort you. He is the God who sees, who hears, who comforts and saves. Thank you for sharing with us, I’m sure there are many who can associate with your pain.

  11. Denise says:

    Dear Judy, I understand your grief. My husband of whom I was with for 50 year’s, from my age of 15 has died. 18 months ago I held his hand as he died from covid. I am alone , after 1 year I feel my children put me out and shut the door. I tell myself the pain I feel are God nudges challenging me to grow. I have grown and I am proud of myself. I do experience true joy and pain. I have God he is my strength. There is hope. God’s peace.

  12. Marina says:

    Mourning has me feeling anxious these day. I lost my mother-in-law six weeks ago. Thank you for these daily devotions.

  13. Barbara says:

    My granddaughter was so on fire for God, serving in the church as a worship leader, teaching two-year olds, being a camp counselor and working in the church office. Then COVID hit. The isolation and cancellation of things she was looking forward to as well as an ended friendship left her depressed. She and I were close. She “adopted” me to be her grandma when she was 4.

    Her dad moved her and her mom to Idaho from California. She is 17 and will be graduating from High School in one month. She has a job, got a car and a boyfriend and has basically stopped talking to me, responding to my texts and stopped reading her Bible. She quit all of her church ministries.

    This young lady is very anointed and chosen by God BUT my heart is ever so broken by her ignoring me and not serving God. I can’t even tell you how severe the pain of my broken heart is.

  14. Terrie says:

    Prayed for you ladies. I also have restlessness regarding my job, but God has told me to stay. My daughter and husband are getting a divorce and praying for them and my grandkids. I know God has us, but the pain is hard.

  15. Pam says:


    My restlessness come from we almost lost our oldest brother last night he is getting a pacemaker today I pray healing and thank God he kept him. my youngest son(24) is so mean and disrespectful all of a sudden and it has me so heart broken as a mother we were so close
    I don’t understand I pray so much daily about it.

  16. Nahomie says:

    My family is my startup! My husband is everything to us. He makes sure we are taken care of. He hasn’t been feeling well for a couple of weeks. Please pray for healing over him and a peace of mind. Sometimes he overthinks and end up in a rabbit whole. Cover my husband with your blood, Jesus!

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8