Today’s Truth

Lord, you are my strength and my protection, my safe place in times of trouble (Jeremiah 16:19 ERV).


Friend to Friend

Movies with happy endings are my favorite movies. My family constantly teases me about my surreal perspective of movie entertainment, but honestly, life holds enough reality. Why would I want to pay good money to see even more reality made bigger and more frightening on a gigantic movie screen?

When the movie, “The Perfect Storm,” was first released, the previews suggested it had a happy ending. I should have known better, but we love the water and really, how bad could it be?

We bought tickets, popcorn, and drinks, found the best seats in the theater, and prepared to be entertained. Wrong! Just about every scene showed tiny boats caught in the grip of frightening waves and fierce winds. I kept waiting for the storm to die down so everyone could go home with a boat full of fish to their anxious families who were waiting for them on dry land. Crash! Another monstrous wave belted the boat and crew.

By the end of the movie, I never wanted to set foot on a boat again and was worn out from trying to get everyone home where they would live happily ever after. I was tempted to demand a refund because of false advertising. Believe me, there was definitely no happy ending, but I did come away with a new fascination and deep respect for the sea.

I have a friend who loves to sail. When I asked him if he had ever been caught in a bad storm, he responded, “Many times!” I shook my head in disbelief. Of course, I had to ask, “Then why on earth do you keep sailing?” His answer was profound. “Mary, every sailor knows that there will be storms. You just learn what to do when the storm hits. There is only one thing to do and only one way to survive. You have to put the ship in a certain position and keep her there.

The same is true in our lives. When the fierce storms of life overwhelm us, there is only one thing to do if we want to survive those storms. We must position ourselves in the right place – in the hands of God – and He will keep us there until the storm has passed. Jeremiah echoes this truth when he wrote:

“Lord, You are my strength and my protection, my safe place in times of trouble” (Jeremiah 16:19 ERV).

The words of the psalmist are filled with confidence and hope: “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29, NIV). We really can trust God to bring peace and to reduce the fiercest storm to a mere whisper. The faithful provision and sustaining comfort of God at work in our life depends on our willingness to trust Him.

I love my children with all of my heart. Naturally, there are times when they make me very angry. They make wrong choices and sometimes even disappoint me, but if they are hurt, sick, or in trouble, the anger, disappointment, and even disobedience is overruled by my love for them, and a driving need to comfort them. If my imperfect heart responds to my imperfect children that way, think about how the perfect heart of our heavenly Father responds to us.

Richard Fuller writes: “You must stay upon the Lord; no matter what, you must lash yourself to the helm and hold fast your confidence in God’s faithfulness and His everlasting love in Christ Jesus.”

We can face every storm with confidence, knowing God will redeem it for good. We can trust few things in this life, but God’s faithfulness is one of them. When the hard times come, and the storms roll in, trust God, and hold on. He is with you.


Let’s Pray

Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Forgive me when I let fear consume my heart instead of choosing to trust You. Give me eyes to see the treasure buried at the heart of every storm and help me to choose joy – even when I don’t understand what You are doing. Teach me, Lord. Let my life be an illustration of Your strength perfected in my weakness.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Let’s Keep in Touch

June 30, 2023, Girlfriends in God is coming to a close. Thank you for linking arms with us in ministry for the past 17 years. We still want to share life with you! Click here to continue receiving devotions from Sharon Jaynes on Tuesdays. Click here to continue receiving devotions from Mary Southerland on Wednesdays. Click here to continue receiving devotions from Gwen Smith on Thursdays.


Now It’s Your Turn

Looking back at the storms in your life, how would you rate your response to those storms?
What changes do you need to make in order to experience victory?


More from the Girlfriends

Need help? Check out Mary’s new devotion books, Life is So Daily (Volumes 1 and 2). We pray these devotions will encourage and help you build a solid foundation of faith.




Be sure to connect with Mary Connect with Mary on Facebook or through email.

© 2023 by Mary Southerland. All rights reserved.


18 Responses to “From a Storm to a Whisper”

  1. patti says:

    GIG has helped me through so many hard times and made me laugh when my heart wanted to cry. in life on this side of heaven which is much like the perfect storm and sea itself, unpredictable your devotions were always a joy!
    Thank you for all the years of fellowship,stories and guidance!
    i will truly miss your sight!

  2. Kim says:

    I will miss these devotions as a part of my daily morning routine. Thank you for your many years of uplifting and insightful devotions.

  3. Olivet says:

    I am teary-eyed right now,but taking comfort in the gift of seasons. Thank you all for sharing with us over the years. I have been blessed in many ways from your life experiences wrapped in the Word. May God continue to strengthen you for your next mission.

  4. Sheila says:

    Morning Mary
    I am certainly going to miss these morning devotions. They have given me hope when I thought there was none. There are days I will go back and reread the same one knowing I will get more out of it the next time I read it. Blessings to each of you.

  5. Ry says:

    God’s words through your stories have spoken sometimes loudly and boldly and sometimes whispered and gently to my heart over the years. These devotionals have comforted and convicted me in different areas of life and have during various seasons been a tether to His word when life has gotten too busy to sit for a long hour and bask in His presence. They have also been a method for introducing non believers to the lover of their soul. Thank you for your years of dedication, honesty, and leadership. I will miss starting my day with you my dear friends. It will be exciting when we meet face to face in heaven. With much love,

  6. Susan says:

    Yes, I will miss waking up to these devotions in the morning. I don’t do social media so I can’t follow the writers but am thankful that Sharon, Mary, and Gwen will continue writing on a weekly basis….I will really look forward to hearing from them💕 Mary, I love how you said the faithful provision and sustaining comfort of God at work in our life depends on our willingness to trust Him. That is so beautiful. He is the God of Comfort. He upholds us with His righteous right hand. It’s not a matter of what He can do, it’s a matter of how much I’m willing to trust God to do what He says He will do. God is Faithful!!!!

  7. Southern Reader says:

    OhMyGoodness! I have been reading the daily devotions from GIG almost every morning for the past few years. I cannot begin to tell you what a huge blessing they have been. They are such a wonderful source of encouragement. So much so that I have often sent text messages or emails with the links provided on this site to share with friends and family when I knew it would be encouraging or felt prompted by the spirit to do so. I had absolutely no idea the website/online ministry of GIG was ending. Thank you for allowing God to use each of you and this platform to be a blessing to so many women (and men). Obviously, I haven’t explored much past the daily devotions or I may have been apprised of this news. Here is what matters most: Your honesty in your battles (each of you),but especially you Mary in being real about the battle with clinical depression, have reached more women than you can imagine, and I dare say have drawn them in toward Jesus. I pray that God continues to bless each of you tremendously and that in the days and years ahead that His plan for each of you is written clearly on your hearts. Love in Christ, Southern Reader

  8. Carol says:

    Mary: Like others have mentioned, I’ll miss these wonderful and inspiring devotions each am. You all, became part of my daily “coffee club” meeting place. Thank you so much.
    I know circumstances change,along with life, but I know we all will continue to abide in Him!

  9. Angela says:

    So sad to hear GIG is coming to a close. God has used this forum to speak to my heart more times than I can count. I have also shared them as reflections at work. Thank you all so much for putting this together and to everyone who contributed. I will definitely sign up to continue to receive devotions from all of you. God Bless!

  10. Kristy says:

    Mary, I look forward each morning to reading the devotions from Girlfriends in God. The devotions have been inspirational and many times were spot on with something I am going through. I especially relate to you as I to go through depression and anxiety, as well. Thank you to each of you for your devotions. You have touched my life and I am thankful God directed me to your site. Blessings to you as you continue to serve our Lord and Savior.

  11. Summer Parris says:

    I have so enjoyed reading every morning for the last 12 years. Praying for the next steps in y’all’s ministries and so thankful for each of you. You may only know a glimpse of how much your words meant to each of us on this side of Heaven because I can’t even express how much they’ve meant to me. ❤️

  12. Mardiece says:

    I’m sad that GiG is ending. I have only recently found this site but it has become a favored part of my day. I will subscribe to all three devotions, but it won’t be the same. May God bless each of you in your future endeavors as I know you will continue to bless people through them.

  13. Denise says:

    😭 Every author of every devotional has brought great teachings and encouragement to my life, I will miss you all and thank you for your wisdom that you shared with us. God bless. 🙏🏽❤️

  14. Laquita says:

    Wowwwwwwww sooo many times over the years I pop in and the devotionals be RIGHT ON TIME. It will be truly missed but will definitely subscribe and reread archives. Ladies you have been a blessing and Ms Mary ima tel you , your experience with depression God have definitely used tremendously for His glory and the life of your youth also. ALL THINGS HAVE SURELY WORKED TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD!! Blessings Health and Prosperity ❤️❤️❤️🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😢😢😢😢😢

  15. Sandy says:

    Sorry to hear about you guys closing shop. Thru the years you all have been my girlfriends indeed. I will for sure miss this, but know that I have signed up to receive devotionals and updates from you all. Looking forward to this new season that God has for you all. Thank you for continuing to service the Lord and for imparting into our lives.

  16. Jean says:

    To all the GiG contributors, I only started connecting with you this past January after the death of my beloved sister-in-law and best friend, who died unexpectedly just a few days before Christmas. I was overcome with grief and seeking Him for comfort. Since then I’ve turned to you everyday, often re-reading (and sharing) the messages. Don’t ask me where I’ve been for 17 years but I wished I had found you sooner. I’m thrilled Sharon, Mary and Gwen will continue their ministry for us. All the best to everyone associated with GiG. “You (and He) were there when the needed you most!”

  17. Melanie wessels says:

    I am disappointed to hear GIG will be discontinued. You have been my early morning companion for many years. Often I have steered women in need of a closer relationship with God in your direction to get started. Blessings to all of you for giving of yourselves. Blessings for what’s next for each of you!

  18. Mimi says:

    Your devotions made an impact on my life, thank you for letting God use you and for sharing your hearts with us.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8