Today’s Truth

Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1 ESV)



Friend to Friend

Both his stature and demeanor were unimpressive to elite breeders. He was exercised with harsh tactics, under cruel restrictions and publicly dismissed by a professionally acclaimed trainer. Eventually the horse, Seabiscuit, became a wild, bitter, and angry animal that was considered worthless to the racing world and was sold for a very small price.

The new owner, a wealthy auto salesman, hired an experienced trainer to work with the racehorse… a broken man who others would no longer hire… a man who, like the horse, had been beaten up by life a bit. 

This new trainer had his hands chock full of rebellion with the stallion, but he patiently and painstakingly trained him as best he could. He watched closely as the small horse raced without heart on the track, and soon identified a major problem.

“They’ve got him so screwed up running in a circle, he’s forgotten what he was born to do. He just needs to learn how to be a horse again.”

To help the horse remember how to be a horse, the trainer had the jockey run him in open grassy fields. They took the horse back to his roots. Back to a place where space was plentiful, and restrictions were but a simple fence. Back to the place of his first love: wild freedom. And by doing so, they awakened a fresh spark of purpose in the heart of Seabiscuit. 

He went on to be a champion that ran like the wind.

There have been times in my life when I was so focused on limitations, distractions, doubts, and losses that I failed to see my possibilities. 

Times when I fixed my thoughts, my goals, my choices, and my habits on ways that led to death instead of life. 

Times when I lost sight of true vision – God’s awesome purpose for my life: to worship Him, to seek Him, to honor Him, and to obey Him… so that He might be glorified in and through every race I run.

Have you been there? Are you there now?

For Seabiscuit to run with the power and passion he was made to run with, he needed to remember that he was a wild stallion. The same is true for you and me. To live the lives we were born to live; our vision must be cast beyond the restrictions and obstacles we face.

Our vision must be fixed on the One who designed us to worship with wild abandon… to live with wild freedom. 

You were born to be wild, friend. Wild for Jesus. Wild with purpose. Wildly surrendered to the will of God. Wildly obedient to His commands. Wildly led by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within you. 

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God…  Lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed” (Hebrews 12:1-2,12,13).


Let’s Pray 

Dear Lord, Thank You for promising restoration, redemption, and renewal to all who call on You. Help me to look beyond my failures, challenges, and limitations to Your abilities, healing power, and boundless love. Be my vision, Lord. Empower me to live in the wild freedom of Your grace and in the center of Your plan.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn  

When in your life did you feel closest to Jesus?  What can you do today to reignite the wild passion and vision you were born for?

Let’s pray together about it. Meet us in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.


More from the Girlfriends

It might just be time for you to get a little wild and chase what you were born for! Got some dreams that you’re ready to prioritize and make happen? Do you desire to be mentored professionally and challenged as you progress toward your goals? Gain focus, bolster your courage and sharpen your competencies through 1-on-1 personal, ministry or business coaching with Gwen Smith. Spots are limited. Learn more at




© 2023 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.

4 Responses to “Born To Be Wild”

  1. Sophey Popi Makgobi says:

    Been there? I’m there Gwen, had always been I feel the harnessing of life. Today is my last day in my 40’s. Tomorrow is turning of new leaf in age era. I’ve never understood it at all until recently, a stark realization hit me. How would I had learned and understood if I didn’t experience it all and learn from HIM, how would I know His faithfulness testifying from other people’s testimonies?
    The hero He molds you info, cannot be photocopied from other people’s journeys and achievements

  2. Diane says:

    I enjoyed reading this devotion! It reminded me of my wild side of life as a new Christian. Trying to share the gospel as I knew it at that time. I was so passionate about God and the family. I would love to have that courageous free spirit again!

  3. Carola says:

    Gracias.poor compartir esta historia.
    Me olvidé la . para que fui creada por muchos años.dedicada Ami familia .en absoluto pensar en mi.
    Hoy vuelvo a mi esencia ..abrí los ojos a mi misma.
    Tengo mucho que hacer y realizar sueños guardados.


  4. Wanda says:

    This devotion hit me like a ton of bricks. I was kind of a free spirit as a child and teen but when my first child was born all I could do is worry about something happening to me and leaving her parentless. I have since had two more kiddos and all three kids became my life — now I have grandkids and believe me they are my joy!! such a great blessing God has blessed me with and to top it all off I have a great husband. God is so Good. My problem is ME. I try to live my life so I won’t do anything to take myself away from those I love and who love me. I don’t try new things especially dangerous things like riding a horse (which I would love to do) because I’m afraid the horse will throw me and I’ll be paralyzed. I don’t travel because I’m afraid the plane will crash. I want to speak at women’s conferences and write books because I feel led to do so but I talk myself out of it because I feel unworthy and 5000 other excuses. I love ministry and I teach children’s church. I’ve had people tell me that I have a calming presence and I make them feel like everything will be ok. I am a nurse and I work with the elderly whom I love dearly. Trust comes hard for me because of my childhood. I feel rejected by people easily even when they aren’t really rejecting me. I guess deep down I fear that even God will reject me. Anyway thanks so much for sharing this devotion. I always feel like Girlfriends in God devos are written for me. Thank you and the others that write for this site for your dedication to the Lord and for people like me. Pray that I will step out of my comfort zone and really live.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8