Today’s Truth

Have you missed Girlfriends in God devotions arriving daily in your inbox?

We sure have missed you.

As you recall, after much prayer, the team decided to end this 17 year season of Girlfriends in God. We ran our last devotion June 30, 2023. However, Sharon, Mary, and Gwen are still sending out weekly devotions from their individual sites. While it may look different, the encouraging biblical content will be the same.

Many of you have already signed up to receive our weekly devotions, but if you haven’t, the encouragement is just a click away.

Click here to continue receiving devotions from SHARON JAYNES on Tuesdays.

Click here to continue receiving devotions from MARY SOUTHERLAND on Wednesdays.

Click here to continue receiving devotions from GWEN SMITH on Thursdays.

We can’t wait to continue doing life with you!

Girlfriends in God Hugs
Sharon, Mary, Gwen

PS. If you’ve already joined us on our individual pages, hurray! If you haven’t, click the links above to connect with us over there.

2 Responses to “Are You Missing Girlfriends in God Devotions?”

  1. Rita says:

    I was sad to see that Girlfriends in God had retired, I wondered what happened. I tried to see if maybe I was dropped, really enjoyed reading each day.

  2. Di says:

    I miss you gals so much! I’ve not received any emails from Mary Southerland. I pray she is doing well.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8