Today’s Truth

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV).

Friend to Friend

It started innocently enough. A friend said something. I disagreed. For whatever reason, her words hit a tender spot. It was important that we talk about it because she mattered to me, yet I was hit with a myriad of temptations.

I was tempted to make her see it my way.

I was tempted to keep talking until she “got it.”

I was tempted to let my frustration simmer between us.

Don’t do it.

A gentle nudge in my spirit asked me to consider a different way.

Can we be honest that we are all tempted from time to time? In today’s passage, Paul reminds us of that fact.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV).     

When we think about being tempted “beyond what we can bear,” we may think this includes only big temptations. Yet the truth is we wrestle just as much or more with the smaller moments.

I can’t bear that he doesn’t understand.

I can’t bear that she hurt my heart by not inviting me.

I can’t bear that this child of mine takes what I do for granted.

In the bigger temptations, we usually take a step back. We are aware there are consequences. Yet with smaller temptations, we may not pause. We may not consider how they take a toll, so we plunge in.

The Bible tells a story of Jesus being tempted (Luke 4). Some of those temptations seemed really big. Others smaller. He met each with the same response. First, He recognized who was behind the temptation – an enemy who desired to distract Him from God’s best. Second, he chose a different direction, one that led him away from the right-now temptation.

When I was with my friend, I had the same invitation. I needed to acknowledge the temptation, and who was behind it, as well as the cost. Though it seemed small, it had the power to put a divot in our relationship. If it was important enough to talk through, then I needed to do that in a healthy and gentle way. My invitation was to move in the opposite direction of the temptation.

I could try to make her see it my way or ask her to clarify so I could better understand her way.

I could keep talking until she “got it,” or I could acknowledge that we are two different people, and we may see things differently, and that’s okay. It doesn’t change who she is to me.

I could let frustration simmer between us, or I could have a healthy conversation.

If you are tempted, you are not alone in that.

Acknowledge it. Ask God for wisdom to meet it head on and to work through it with His help. Big or small, God promises a way up and out.

Let’s Pray

God, when big temptations come my way, I sense the magnitude of them and run to You. But often I overlook the small temptations and how they draw me away from Your best for me. Give me the courage to not allow them to pile up and become big in my heart and in my relationships. Thank You for helping me to walk a different path,
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Now It’s Your Turn

What is one smaller temptation that pesters you? Name it. Bring it to the Light.  Ask God to show you a different way to meet it, with His help.

More from the Girlfriends

Those whom Jesus loved wanted nothing more than to follow Jesus, but at times they struggled. In Suzie’s book, Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads, she shares how we can say yes to Jesus in every part of our life, and how that impacts not only us, but the world around us.

If you love to start your day with scripture and prayer, tune into Suzie’s brand-new podcast, Prayer Starters. You can find it on your favorite podcast platform or at KLRC. 

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© 2022 by Suzanne Eller. All rights reserved.

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16 Responses to “A Way Out”

  1. Shannon Payne says:

    My temptation is that of reassuring me in times of worry! Unfortunately, I’m a chronic worrier and tend to feel like things are falling apart all the time- thus requiring constant reassurance that everything is good, that my partner is happy, and that my worry is not warranted. Truly it’s a vicious cycle and I pray for Gods healing of this affliction. It is affecting relationships and I fear sometimes there’s no way to overcome that nagging feeling of worry.

    • Avatar photo Suzie Eller says:

      Hi Shannon, what an honest and open comment. Let’s pray together, sweet friend. Father, we come to you because you meet us right where we are. I pray for ease in Shannon’s thoughts. She doesn’t want this worrying to consume her thoughts, and you don’t want that for her. Give her the peace that only you can give. When worry tries to take over, help her as she confronts that worry, denying it the right to take away her peace. Sometimes when temptation feels bigger than us, we run to you and you are a shelter, a strong fortress, and you welcome us in as you fight that battle with and for us. Thank you for that, amen.

  2. Colleen says:

    As of right today, my biggest temptation is to play Holy Spirit junior to my husband of 42 years. Of course I have been doing that for years out of trying to protect our marriage. Of course it is futile,it does not work and is really a form of control. It is not my job,I am not God. Even though I offer sound biblical truth, I can not heal and change a heart and mind. Being unequally yoked is a tough deal,but God is God and I am not. I have prayed that I will run from this temptation and into Jesus’s arms. “No temptation is coming against you that is uncommon to man”

    • Avatar photo Suzie Eller says:

      What a wise statement, Colleen. It seems God has whispered truth to you that is powerful. I pray with you that when that temptation comes, you rest in that truth. You give up any assignment that is not yours, as you place that assignment in the capable and loving hands of God. Thank you for sharing. I love how this truth has been so instilled in you and I love the faith you have as you reach for it.

  3. Carol says:

    Dear Sister Colleen….
    Your comment, is perfect for me; I’m living the same situation with my husband.
    I have finally come to the realized thought, through God’s help, I can’t “convert” my husband. I know that even though I’m a flawed warrior, I am the only warrior he has, in intentional prayers. I pray for God to show him in ways that I can’t, that the Lord will turn his heart into soft flesh, open his eyes to see, and open his ears to hear.
    I’ll pray for your husband; and please do the same for me.
    Remember, Girlfriend…we do wear a holy armor, and our Commander is with us, every step of the way.
    Thank you Suzie, for your blessing to Colleen and for me.

  4. Debbie C says:

    Good morning,
    I’m asking for prayer,wisdom,speech, and a spirit of gentleness lead by the holy spirit. My adult children moved out of my home many years ago to start their own families. My current home situation brings on a lot of stress and distractions to my life. My sister left her husband over a year ago and is going through a bitter divorce. At the same time I had undergone surgery and she came to stay and help me with recovery.

    She moved herself in while I was in recovery and what was supposed to be a short term living situation has turned into a semi permanent living arrangement. It’s definitely time for her to get her own place and start her new life on her own. 2e have had discussion about her future plans but I am not encouraged that she actually has a plan or she is anywhere near moving out. This situation is a cause for anger, bitterness, and anxiety. The words I speak at times are mean and harsh!

    I feel resentful, since I was divorced many years ago and left with two small children. By God’s grace and mercy upon me I was able to provide for myself and my two kids all on my own!

    Fasr forward to today I have a great job and the ability to work from home full time. My sister on the other hand does not have a job and here 99% of the time. My bitterness towards this situation is a source of great temptation to lash out and my speech can be offensive. I am seeking a balance of a calm spirit and a breakthrough for her in finding a new place to Live! I seek privacy and I don’t mind living alone at all. I resent what I perceive to be taken advantage with no accountability for my privacy and peace in my home. The struggle is real and I wake up each morning with an expectation of a breakthrough. I know God has a plan if I could only catch a glimpse of what my own future holds.

    I believe if I resist the devil he will flee, but he always returns through my actions in response to my frustration. Thank you for this message it is another example of God’s perfect timing in my life. In his love…Debbie

  5. Kristi says:

    Thank you for this timely post, I have saved it so I can re-read it. I think of temptations as you said as these big monumental sinful things (I am USUALLY pretty good at doing the right thing here!) but truly my struggles are the small day to day things, and oh the struggle is real! #1 for me is I am a recovering (not recovered YET) “lawnmower mom”, I have the need to “mow down” all obstacles for my kids. And they do have some obstacles. But I know they need to learn to manage them on their own, and I need to trust them and God to allow this to happen. It’s so hard! I prayed about this after I read your blog, and while I have known this is an issue I need to work on, I really hadn’t thought of it as temptation. I believe thinking of it this way is going to help me, so thank you. Also..I relate to Colleen’s and Shannon’s comments as well, LOL, I have it all goin’ on! 🙂 Prayers for all.

  6. Maria says:

    Thanks Suzie for this wonderful truth to help us become more dependent on God and be less self-righteous. I have struggled with judgement and very little patience. God has been doing serious work on me in those areas for the last year. He has placed me in a job I was very reluctant to take where I am challenged every minute of the day, not exaggeration, to practice unconditional love, patience, kindness, humility, total obedience to Him! It has been so hard and I considered quitting and started looking for another job. But God showed me that He is preparing me for more and for what I have been asking Him for: to serve Him 100%.

  7. Joan says:

    I have had a lifelong struggle with food. The way of our culture is to solve it with dieting. I have been on my knees many times confessing, repenting and believing God for healing. Today this devotional really spoke to me and pushed home the fact that once again, the problem is not the food, the problem is the thinking. I have the mindset of “control the food” and all will be well (because I am physically much better, and emotionally happier). What I am missing is the food is the second step. The first step is the dealing with the temptation that comes when I am not addressing the actual issue (small slight, being left out, harsh words from someone else) that are bothering me, but turning to food instead. Sometimes the temptation is so insidious–why am I not surprised. How else does the evil one work? Thank you for a new look at the word “TEMPTATION.” A temptation can be so tiny. Maybe the old saying “the devil is in the details” is truer than I thought!

  8. Gretchen says:

    Thank you for this today GIG, perfect timing, as always! I’m tempted, often, to want the ones I love to see things my way. It frustrates me when they don’t. I pray that God helps me to find another way and be more understanding and patient. My way isn’t always the right way. Thank you, Jesus.

  9. Maylon says:

    Thank you so so much suzie I really was feeling tempted today and this really helped

  10. Donna Jones says:

    I have never thought of temptations in this way in all my life. This was so insightful and needed. Thank you so much!

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8