Today’s Truth

But where sin increased, grace increased all the more (Romans 5:20b NIV).



Friend to Friend

For years my abortion story went untold. It was a secret held tightly by a locked heart – my worst nightmare and darkest memory. Not something I wanted to talk about. Certainly not a story that I thought could be used for good.

Conversationally, it was unapproachable… simply impossible to discuss. On the rare occasion when I allowed my mind to go there, I wished I had a different story: one of life, not death – of joy, not pain. A story of a time when I’d made the best choice, not the worst choice.

But that’s not my story.

And because it’s not, for years I was convinced that my mistakes demanded silence. That because of what I’d done and where I’d been, I was bound to be quiet whenever the sacred topic of life arose. Certainly, I had no right to speak… or so I believed.

Shame buttoned my lips.

Then I came to know a deeper grace. A grace found in the testimony of redemption. God’s grace. A grace that testifies of hope, healing, and restoration. A grace found in the sharing and releasing of my broken heart-places. Amazing grace that boasts in the truth that all things can work together for good to those who love God and who are bound to His will and purpose (Romans 8:28).

By the grace of Jesus Christ, I now understand that – knowing what I know and having been where I’ve been – I am actually uniquely qualified to speak and encourage others toward life… forgiveness… and hope.

A few years ago, the Lord led me to participate in a post-abortive Bible study and a weekend retreat that allowed my heart to experience healing in places that I didn’t even know were wounded. I was given the opportunity to sift through my grief, to name my child, and to honor her tragic, unlived life in a beautiful memorial service. My story is now one of healing – and I will tell it until I take my last breath and meet my precious baby in heaven.


For those of you who share my broken story, I encourage you toward this sacred healing – toward deeper grace. Death’s grip is suffocating and scary… but it’s not more powerful than the forgiveness and love found in Jesus. Don’t allow fear and shame to keep you from the restoration Jesus died for you to experience. Call your local pregnancy care center and ask about their post-abortive Bible studies and retreats.


For those of you who are pregnant and afraid, I encourage you to choose life. I know the fears you are facing and the doubts that are screaming relentlessly to your heart. Silence them with the hope found in the center of grace. Whatever this looks like for you – whether it’s parenting or adoption – I implore you, from the deepest recesses of my heart, to allow your baby a chance to breathe, love, laugh and live. It will be one of the best choices you will ever make.


For those of you who don’t share my story, but who support the efforts of life-affirming ministries on the front lines of this battle, I encourage you toward generous giving. I applaud you for your participation. Because of you, lives are being saved… and diapers are being changed… and dreams are being dreamed… and God is being honored. Because of your support, sacred hearts are beating. Thank you. A thousand times: thank you.

“But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 5:20b-21).


Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, I approach Your throne of grace today in reverence and humility, with a trembling heart, fully aware that You are holy, and I am not. Speak, Lord. Show me the plans You have for me. Bind me to Your Word and to Your strength so I will have the courage to obey, to forgive, and to accept forgiveness. May my brokenness be restored for the beauty of Your glory. Please help me to trust your plan and grace.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Let’s Keep in Touch

June 30, 2023, Girlfriends in God is coming to a close. Thank you for linking arms with us in ministry for the past 17 years. We still want to share life with you! Click here to continue receiving devotions from Sharon Jaynes on Tuesdays. Click here to continue receiving devotions from Mary Southerland on Wednesdays. Click here to continue receiving devotions from Gwen Smith on Thursdays.


Now It’s Your Turn 

Okay … take a deep breath with me! Some of you may feel disturbed that a locked door in your heart has been nudged open. I also know that 30-40% of you that are reading this devotion share my experience of abortion. There is healing and forgiveness for you, too. Through the help of my local Pregnancy Care Center, I went through a post-abortive Bible study that helped me to know complete healing. If you have not taken that step toward healing, I encourage you to visit – or call your local Pregnancy Care Center today to sign up for a post-abortive Bible study or retreat.

Is there someone you know who needs to read this message? Forward this email. Post it on social media. Share the hope of healing. Swing by the comments section for reflection and prayer.


More From the Girlfriends

Ready for healing? Get a copy of the book Broken into Beautiful.



Ready to move forward and step into all the faith, power and impact God has for you? Then get I Want It ALL. It’s time to narrow the gap between ordinary faith and the not-so-ordinary promises of God found in His Word! Order yours today from Amazon, Gwen’s website or from your favorite retailer.



© 2023 by Gwen Smith. All rights reserved.

15 Responses to “A Deeper Grace”

  1. Pam says:

    Oh, boy. This subject. I, like you, have lived through this decades ago. At the time I didn’t want to do it and I shouldn’t have. I was 18, and at a different place spiritually back then. Since then I have prayed for forgiveness, but I won’t lie. I still have horrid thoughts that I won’t be forgiven. It’s the “dirty little secret” in my life. Not the pregnancy, but what I did about the pregnancy. My family was something “this” just didn’t happen to. I was scared and I still am scared to be honest with you.
    I am glad that you are now comforted by the grace of Jesus.

  2. Joy says:

    Dear Gwen, The courage it took to share your story! Thank you for it. I’m sure there are others who read your posts, like me, who think all you GIG’s have lived a charmed life and never made any tragic choices. I share this horrific secret with you. I cannot imagine naming my baby. I cannot imagine ever talking to anyone about it. I was a Christian when I chose to do this almost 40 years ago! I know Jesus has forgiven me, but I still feel such horror and sorrow at what I did so long ago. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  3. Nancy says:

    I encourage every person that has had an abortion and is looking for healing to participate in one of the Bible studies. I also made the grave error of having an abortion over 40 years ago and I have shared my story and gone through the Bible classes. I named my son and now he has a place in my memory garden in my flower bed. God is so good. Bless you all

  4. Liz says:

    While I have never had an abortion, I have also made choices that I deeply wish were not a part of my story. But, God uses ALL things. Your story is now bringing hope and encouragement to women who suffer in the same way. God’s grace covers it all. Thank you for the courage to share.

  5. Liz says:

    Maybe these verses in Romans 5:15-17 might encourage someone:

    “…how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!”

    “how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!

  6. Stephanie says:

    I am sorry to hear that Girlfriends In God, will sunset at the end of this month. Thank you all who contributed to encourage and uplift. I found encouragement, strength and hope through this wonderful ministry. God bless everyone who was a part of this wonderful unique ministry. Thank you ❤️

  7. Stephanie says:

    I am sorry to hear that Girlfriends In God, will sunset at the end of this month. Thank all who contributed to encourage and uplift. I found encouragement, strength and hope through this wonderful ministry. God bless everyone who was a part of this wonderful unique ministry. Thank you ❤️

  8. Noni says:

    I’m so very sad that Girlfriend’s in God will no longer be available. I am so thankful for what you’ve all meant to my spiritual growth through the years. May the Lord greatly bless each of you for your contributions and I know girlfriends around the world will join me in praying Numbers 6:24-26 over you:

    “The Lord bless you and keep you,
    the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you,the Lord turn His face to you and give you peace.”

  9. Rebecca Cyr says:

    I have not been where most of you, who are posting to this site, have been. But I want all of you to know that someone (me!) out here is lifting your hearts up in prayer for your loss and experience. Please realize, in every fiber of your being, that God has NEVER stopped loving you regardless of what you’ve done. His love for you can’t stop, lessen, or change from what it’s ALWAYS been. He doesn’t want the mistakes, the bad choices, the painful circumstances you’ve faced to be the ‘story’ youre never able to share. He allows all of us to go through the very worst things so that we, in turn, can comfort and speak life others. And when we comfort others, we in turn are comforted. I’d like to help bear AND UNBURDEN your burden. God bless you all.

  10. Laurie says:

    First of all, Gwen, it takes such strength to share your story. We all have hidden secrets, things we wish we hadn’t done. As humans on this earth we all make mistakes every day. But God’s grace is so amazing. One of our biggest challenges sometimes is accepting that grace. I am also sad to see Girlfriends in God closing. But, realize that each of us pass through many phases of our lives and there comes a time to move on. Your daily devotions got me into the habit of starting my day with God when I was still working and time in the morning was at a premium. I also brought my sister, my best girlfriend in God, into the fold and we often shared our feelings about a devotion. Sadly, she left us about four and a half years ago as she lost her battle with ALS. Thanks to all three of you for how you have touched my life. Many blessings as you move forward in the next chapter.

  11. Janie says:

    I’m pregnant and scared. I asked god for encouragement before opening this devotional. Please pray over my pregnancy, needs and fears. Outside of my pregnancy things are crumbling. I don’t know what to do but I want to choose love and life for my baby. I don’t know how I will pickup the pieces with baby and after. This pregnancy has been tough. I need miracles in many areas. I know God is listening and this devotional helped confirm it. Idk why you’re shutting down Gig but I trust God in that too ❤️

  12. Lynnette says:

    I just found Girlfriends in God, after looking for the perfect women’s devotional for a very long time. This has been perfect for me, so I’m so sad to hear it’s ending so soon after I found it. I’ll continue to subscribe to the individual devotionals .

    Maybe there is an opportunity to publish a 365 day devotional book? I would be first in line!

  13. Carolyn says:

    Thank you for sharing your story ~ ‘All things work together for good for those who love the Lord”, Romans 8:28 is a staple in my life. Months ago, I was thinking about what my life would have been like if I hadn’t… (better not to go there, right?). In the middle of this, through tears I said to God, “I look back on my life and all I see are mistakes…what do You see?” And immediately He responded, “Spectacular!”.
    Our painful experiences speak to the pain in others in a way that no one else can, we’re here for each other. Thank You Girlfriends in God for being there for me through these years ~ I wish you all the best in your Adventures with God ❤️

  14. Carolyn says:

    Thank you for sharing your story ~ ‘All things work together for good for those who love the Lord”, Romans 8:28 is a staple in my life. Months ago, I was thinking about what my life would have been like if I hadn’t made the choices I made. In the middle of this, through tears I said to God, “I look back on my life and all I see are mistakes…what do You see?” And immediately He responded, “Spectacular!”.
    Our painful experiences speak to the pain in others in a way that no one else can, we’re here for each other. Thank You Girlfriends in God for being there for me through these years ~ I wish you all the best in your Adventures with God ❤️

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8