Today’s Truth

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17 NIV).


Friend to Friend

While visiting our cabin in the mountains can be a magical experience, what it takes to keep it running is not. It’s a lot of hard work. After signing the mortgage paperwork and living through the first winter, we realized just how hard. Besides our regular jobs, there’s always a long list: clearing brush, taking down dead trees, chopping firewood, cooking meals, changing sheets, and cleaning the chicken coop. We are forever preparing for the next season.

We’ve learned to invite guests with a caveat: In the morning, we will cook you a glorious breakfast (for which the chickens have provided the main ingredient) and keep the coffee pot full. In the evenings, we will have cheese and crackers around the fire and then settle in for a wonderful dinner and talking late into the night (with more coffee).

However, from after breakfast until cracker time, Roger and I are either working at our jobs or working on chores. We used to try to “get ahead” before guests arrived, but it never worked. It turns out there is no such thing as “caught up” or “getting ahead” around here. 

Three kinds of guests come to the Red House to get away from it all. The first are those who come to relax. They want to sit by the fire, eat good food, and walk in the woods—or just read a book about walking in the woods. 

But we have been surprised to find that the most common visitor wants to get in on the action. They want to know how to clean the chicken coop, chop logs, cook dinner for the crew, or do one of the other 947 things that need to be done at any time. 

Then there is a third kind of guest. The one who comes declaring, “I don’t want to do anything but sit by the fire, read a book, and pet the dog.” And we assure them that their plan is fine. But after a day or two of deep fire sitting, a strange thing starts to happen. Our proclaimed fire-sitter starts to look for things to work on. Maybe it’s planting some vegetables for spring, baking some muffins, or just sweeping the floor of the kitchen. After some rest, people often want to work.

Popular culture has taught us that the goal is to not work. To be free from responsibility and burden. To be able to do what we want, when we want. That relaxation is the ultimate reward. But I’ve come to realize that most people actually love to work. (And here I thought I was the weirdo.)

God has designed us for work. After he created Adam and Eve, the Bible says, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” In other words, you have a job to do!

When we are in a healthy place, work can be downright soul-satisfying. It’s a joy to 

know you’ve improved life for those you love—even if they’re chickens—is good for the soul. It’s fulfilling to have accomplished something, to have served someone else, or to have made something a little better than we found it. God has ordained it, and our soul longs for it.

We have had guests beg to freshen the chicken run and haul logs. We have had friends “come to relax” by helping build a greenhouse. On a notable day, Roger mentioned that he wanted some steps up the mountain to another landing. Our friend Scott grabbed a shovel and started to carve stairs into the mountain.

You, my friend, are a reflection of God, the Creator. God designed us for work and creation. God designed work to be good for us, and good for our soul. God knew we needed direction and purpose. He “established the work of our hands” so our souls could be satisfied.


Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Thank You for creating me with a purpose, and the talents and gifting to go along with it. Show me the work You have for me to do today.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn

How do you feel about work? Does the thought of it weigh you down or bring satisfaction to your soul? Click on the comment button and let us know your thoughts. 


More from the Girlfriends

“Working It Out” is an excerpt from Kathi’s book, An Abundant Place.

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© 2023 by Kathi Lipp. All rights reserved.

7 Responses to “We Were Made for Work”

  1. Maryke says:

    Being able to work is good for our soul & general health. It is a privilege.

  2. Penelope says:

    I spent 31 years doing work I felt God called me too I poured myself into helping others When the time came to retire my heart was torn I found peace with the decision and have been able to renew my spirit over the past few months I have worked really hard on some home renovations and landscaping projects that have also brought me peace There are many different kinds of work that bring us joy and a sense of accomplishment We must also value rest The true talent comes in balancing both

  3. Sheila says:

    Morning Kathi
    As I read this I thought back on my childhood and how my parents raised myself and siblings. It gives me so much satisfaction to me know that work ethic was instilled in me. I have assignments each day. And I pray for the strength to fulfill them. When my work is done for the day then I can give all the thanks to God and relax.

  4. B says:

    I enjoy the work I get paid to do not so much for the salary but because I get to help students with whatever administrative issues they experience. I feel satisfied when their problems are solved.

  5. I Appreciate The New App I will grow In My Walk With Our Lord Jesus. I Truly Believe We Need Each Other Because Iron Sharpens Iron in this Journey through this Ever Changing World. I Look Forward To Future Articles, Studies etc to Encourage Me Daily.

  6. Melody Bollinger says:

    SO, so good Kathi!! Some don’t have the ability to do “normal” work but the satisfaction is real to serve another some way & we can’t forget the beautiful work of prayer we can all do. May the LORD bless you, your hubby & all those privileged to visit your sweet cabin!!

  7. MaggieSue says:

    Different seasons of life bring different types of work (i.e. what I did in my 20’s I may not be able to do in my 90’s).
    No matter the season, as I do my best in fulfilling God’s purpose here, the more I eagerly anticipate my heavenly reward!
    I’ll do my resting when I get Home (aka Heaven), in the meantime, God has work for me to do!😃🙏🤲🦶

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8