Today’s Truth

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward (Matthew 10:42 NIV).



Friend to Friend 

Sometimes my kids ride bikes to school. It’s just under 10 miles round trip to the high school. Personally, I would have a hard time making it to class if I had to bike. I’d need a lot of breaks (or an electric bike). One cold morning, I decided to drive my two teenagers in with their bikes. They could bike home, saving me an afternoon pick-up.

I’m not the kind of mom who waits in the eternally long line of cars to drop their kids off at the flagpole. Nope–I’m the smart mom who drops her kids off several blocks away, steering clear of the crazy school traffic.

We unloaded the bikes, and I waved goodbye to my kids. I got back in my minivan, only to notice my son’s water bottle was in the car. Yikes! Would I let my son suffer the consequence of forgetting his water bottle or would I brave the traffic and bring it to school for him? 

I checked my watch. I knew my son would need that water bottle for the ride home and to drink at school throughout the day. I turned toward the traffic and took my place in the carpool lane. Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up next to the bike rack. With mama pride, I slipped my son’s water bottle into his bike holder. 

I sent him this email: My specialty service has dropped off your water bottle on your bicycle. 

His reply made me laugh: Muchas gracias! That’s top-notch service. I’ll be sure to leave a good review. 

My son loved the movie Cars when he was a boy. I enjoy being part of my son’s pit crew. A pit crew in motor racing describes the mechanics who work on a car during pit stops. They are responsible for stabilizing the car, changing the tires, making adjustments, and safely releasing the car. That kind of sounds like what raising a child is like. 

Today’s truth gets me thinking that the disciples needed a pit crew, too. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus calls his twelve disciples and sends them out with specific instructions. Proclaim the message that the kingdom of heaven has come near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who have leprosy. Don’t take gold or extra luggage. In each town, search for a worthy person and stay at their home. Jesus warned of persecution and suffering, but He comforted them by saying, “Do not be afraid.” 

Matthew 10:40 (NIV) says, “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” The key word in that verse is welcome. Then comes verse 42, “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” 

A cup of cold water isn’t a big thing; it’s a relatively small thing. It doesn’t cost much money. Yet that cup of cold water is life-giving, necessary, and refreshing to the recipient. It makes the recipient feel welcome.  

How might we give a cup of cold water to a servant of God today? It might be a literal cup of cold water—giving money toward a well or a water filter. It might be a kind word to a pastor who is discouraged or a missionary who feels forgotten.  

The water bottle I brought to school refreshed my son during the day and on the ride home. I didn’t regret taking a little extra time to deliver it. After all, helping others makes life a sweeter ride. 


Let’s Pray

Dear God, You have done great things. I remember the works of Your hands today. Thank You for providing for me, every day of my life. All power and might belong to You. With all that is within me, I bless Your Name. Be glorified in my present circumstances.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn 

Are you on anyone’s pit crew? In other words, who depends on you for assistance, encouragement, or love? 

Think of a spiritual leader in your life. It could be your pastor, Sunday School teacher, favorite podcast host, or parent. Send them a note or call to say how much you appreciate them. Ask how you might support them in prayer today. 


More from the Girlfriends

Did you know Arlene has a weekly podcast to equip moms and wives? It’s called the Happy Home and is always packed with things to learn from guest experts, practical applications, and a few laughs. You can listen to the Happy Home podcast wherever you get your podcasts and always at AccessMore. 


© 2023 by Arlene Pellicane. All rights reserved.

2 Responses to “The Pit Crew”

  1. Teachabiytofish says:

    Need clean hands to ascend to Heaven. My babysitter used to ask did you wash your hands

    But now look!!!

  2. Teachaboy says:

    Meant Teach a Boy

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8