Today’s Truth

Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me (Romans 15:30 NLT).

Friend to Friend

I am so glad that God gave us girlfriends who will struggle with us in prayer. Paul wasn’t a girlfriend in God, but he certainly understood struggling together in prayer.

He wrote: “Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me” (Romans 15:30 NLT).

The New Testament was originally written in Greek and sometimes looking at the original definitions of the words can give us great insight. The Greek word Paul uses for struggle in Romans 15:30 is sunagonizomai, which means “to struggle in company of, i.e., to be a partner (assistant), strive together with.” The root word means “to endeavor to accomplish something: fight, labor fervently, strive,” for example, to compete for a prize or to contend with an adversary.

Prayer for another person is not simply a nice platitude or a pat on the back. I’ll be honest, when I’m having a difficult time and someone says, “I’m thinking about you” or “I’m sending positive thoughts your way,” I don’t feel encouraged. I don’t need happy thoughts sent my way. I need prayer sent God’s way!

When we tell someone that we will pray for them we are agreeing to put on the armor and head to the front lines of battle on their behalf. We are locking our shields and making our appeals with other warriors on someone else’s behalf.

Many ancient shields had brackets attached to the sides. These brackets were a type of latch that soldiers used to lock shields during battle. When the shields were locked together, the soldiers moved as one force, forming a barricade against the enemy.

Alone, the shield was a small defense. Together they formed a human wall. Do you see the significance? When we lock arms in prayer with others, we are locking our shields together and forming a powerfully strong fortress of defense.

One night I was in the restroom touching up my makeup before speaking to several hundred women. I was having one of those moments when I looked in the mirror and thoughts began to swirl in my mind. What am I doing here? What do I possibly have to say to these women that could make any difference in their lives? I am not capable of walking to that podium tonight.

While I was mulling over the lies and the fiery darts Satan was shooting into my flimsy armor, my cell phone rang.

“Hi Sharon. This is Mary (My GiG Mary).  Where are you?”

“Actually, I’m standing in the restroom at a speaking engagement getting ready to walk out on the stage. I forgot to turn off my cell phone!”

“I want you to know,” Mary continued, “God interrupted me while I was cooking dinner and told me to pray for you. Not only that, He told me to call you…now.”

I was imagining Mary standing in her kitchen with spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove and stopping mid-stir. There might have been a little conversation with God that went something like this:

God: Call Sharon and pray for her.

 Mary: Could you just wait a minute God? The sauce is almost done. 

God: Call Sharon and pray for her.

Mary: OK, OK, I’ll do it now.

There was great power in Mary’s instant obedience. If she had waited, I would not have known that she was praying. Not only did God prompt her to pray at that moment, He wanted her to tell me that she was doing so. Why? God knew that there was power in her prayer, and He wanted me to know that I was not going into battle alone. He had called Mary to “struggle with me,” to “strive together in battle,” to lock arms with me and march into victory.

Who is God calling you to pray for today?

I’d like to pray for you. Leave a comment and let’s struggle together in prayer. I encourage you to go to the comments page and link arms with your other Girlfriends in God and pray for them

Let’s Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us girlfriends in God to pray for us and with us. Thank you that you called women to join together as mighty prayer warriors with shields linked together, marching into battle as one unified force.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Now It’s Your Turn

Is there someone God is calling you to pray for today? If so, email them a prayer or pray for them over the phone!

More from the Girlfriends

One of the most powerful prayers we will ever pray are Scriptural prayers—praying the Word of God. Check out Sharon’s laminated prayer cards on Praying for Your Children and Praying for Your Husband. Also, for wives or those who long to be, see Sharon’s book Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe: A Daily Guide to Scriptural Prayer.

© 2022 by Sharon Jaynes. All rights reserved.

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83 Responses to “Struggling Together in Prayer”

  1. patti knechtel says:

    Hi Sharon.
    I love this devotion!
    The power of prayer is one of the most amazing things!
    I posted an encouragement meme about faith the other day and my little sister told me it was exactly what she needed at that moment! AMEN?!?
    I do have a prayer request. Will you ask God to whisper His ways into my husband Paul’s ears as he goes through each day? Paul is an active alcoholic and has been slipping into a bad way. He is a believer but his thoughts have been fogged over by Satan lies.
    Thank you for all the work you put into these devotions, your fb page and your website!!! Those things are very helpful and I’d be lost without them! Thank you to the other GIG’S Mary Gwen & Guest writers too!
    Ill keep all of you in my prayers as well.
    Your sister in God’s lpve,

  2. Jan says:

    Praying for you Patti and praying for Paul. Asking God to be there with him.

  3. Sarah says:

    Thank you, Sharon for the great message.
    I am praying for your strength and guidance as you continue to share.
    Patti, I am praying for you and your husband. Please pray for my son Jack as he enters seventh grade and often prefers tech time rather than investing in relationships. Blessings to you!Sarah

  4. VLH says:

    Fighting bedbugs! We have been out of our bedroom 28 days now….praying we can go back in soon and none have survived. Wisdom on when to return.

    Ryan needs wisdom on Fix and Flip house. God to miraculously sell….or able to rent. This house not throw him into financial issues..

  5. Avis says:

    The power of prayer is so mighty and joining in prayer with and for others is awesome. Thank you Sharon. Praying for Patti and Sharon in Jesus name.
    I ask for prayer in healing. I was bite by a bug or spider and has caused some great pain in my body. But I know God is a healer.
    Thank you
    Blessings to all.

  6. Cindy Salters says:


    I really enjoy reading your devotions. I love the way you put real life situations with scriptures. It makes me understand the word of God better. I appreciate you and the other ladies for the daily devotions. I read them every day.

    I have a prayer request please. I have an aorta aneurysm, which seems to grow every year. I have been praying for God to please shrink it, and if it bursts to please not let me be behind the wheel or have my grandbabies with me. I had another CAT Scan this past Monday, 8/22/22, and will get the results from the doctor on 8/31/22. Please keep me in your prayers.

    I pray that God will give you and the ‘Girlfriends in God’ writers guidance, wisdom, and strength to continue the devotions.
    Thank you!

  7. Donna says:

    Wonderful message today.
    I’m asking for prayer for my young adult daughter who is suffering with depression and is suicidal. I’m tired and weary and asking God to have mercy on us and renew her mind.

  8. Gina Montour says:

    Hi Sharon,

    Thank you for being here with GIG!! You, Mary, Gwen start my day, everyday!

    I am feeling do overwhelmed these days. I know we are not given more than we can handle but…..I need all the prayers I can get!

    I pray for my sister Janet who has just been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Her biopsy is today. I pray fir My sister Deb who is facing back surgery and has taken on the load of being the caregiver for Janet.

    I pray for my mother in law who moved in with my husband and I this passed April. She has dementia and takes up alot of our time and patience.

    Good news is I recently accepted a promotion and that is overwhelming itself. Things at work will hopefully settle down after-school opens up.

    I greatly appreciate all you and the team do. Keeping us in prayer as o pray for you.


  9. Lisa says:

    What a powerful message! I believe strongly in the power of prayer, having called prayer warriors when I had a life threatening sepsis, in my lungs. Couldn’t breathe! So sick, the specialists had no clue what I had OR how I got it. Finally, one day I was with it enough to send out a facebook message and ask my prayer warriors to pray. I was in the hospital 10 days, and my follow up scan at 90 days showed no damage! I believe in the power of prayer, because I’m still here!
    It gave me goosebumps to read how Mary called you right when you needed it. Our God is an awesome God!
    Please pray for my son, Kenny, who enters his senior year. He went to a Christian school K-8, and last year told me he doesn’t believe. He hid it from me, as he knew would be disappointed. And pray I have the wisdom to guide him back his final year that I have any say over him.
    Patti, I will pray for Paul.
    Sarah, I will pray for Jack.
    Thank you, Sharon, for a devotional that is spot on.
    Blessings to you,

  10. Karen says:

    Good morning,
    Patti and Sarah I am praying for both of you. I had read before about soldiers linking their shields together in battle and that when we pray for someone we are linking our shields together. My request this morning is for this school year. I am a second grade teacher and the classes on our hallway really seem to be struggling. We have several students who are struggling with behavior. We are starting our 17 day of school today and we just really need a spirit on peace and calm to flood our hallway.

  11. Samar says:

    Hi Sharon. I need prayers I’m struggling with a health issue..been to several dr’s and still haven’t found any answers. I’m not giving up. I know God is good and he will see me through this. Please pray for guidance and grace to face whatever is coming my way. Thank you!

  12. Missy Smith says:

    Thank you for such a great devotional. God has been pulling at me to pray for a coworker and I have not been consistent with my prayers for her. My feelings were hurt by this coworker a few days ago but At the time I didn’t understand her struggles. I still don’t but I understand that she needs me to pray for her.

    Please pray with me for my coworker who is going though family health struggles and some mental/emotional struggles of her own.

    Thank you

  13. Jennifer says:

    This devotion is right on time. Please pray for my son Ashton. He is 15 and struggling so much right now with school and figuring out who he is and what he wants. He is also into technology as most teens are, but it’s become a problem for him and he is very angry when I set boundaries. I appreciate all prayers on the front lines for my boy!
    Prayers for Jack and Paul in Jesus name!

  14. Susan Price says:

    Sharon, thank you for giving us such a beautiful picture of what being prayer warriors looks like…imagining our locked shields as we face our enemies together is so powerfully!!

  15. Bernadette says:

    Good morning. I have a clear picture in my mind of the shields locking to form one huge shield during battle. I always saw the shields coming together to make one shield in the movies. It makes sense now.
    I am asking for prayers for my daughter Ariel and my unborn granddaughter Thalia. She is going to be a mom for the first time and she is worried and scared because Thalia has not been born yet. She is due to be born on August 26 however the last ultrasound showed that she was 8lbs. She was hoping that labour would have been induced by now but everytime she goes to the clinic they tell her not yet.
    Ariel has expressed that physically and mentally she is tired and she just wants Thalia to be born. I am trying to encourage.
    Please pray. Thank you

  16. Kelly says:

    Thank you for this devotion . I need some prayer for my marriage and my husband .Some how he lost his way to put Jesus in his life and it is taking a toll on our marriage.Please God give me the grace and mercy towards him to lead Him back to you. Please open his eyes and heart to you Lord.Help him to realize how much he needs you Lord ! In Jesus name Amen .

  17. Amanda says:

    This devotion had me weeping this morning! I love it when you have a praying friend and they know just the right time to reach out to you. They are truly a blessing from God! I thank God for my prayer warriors!! You see, I am over the Ladies group at our church, and I am our church secretary, and I am over the tees too. The devil attacks me on a daily basis and uses discouragement as his weapon. BUT GOD!!!! God has never given up on me and I refuse to give up on Him! I am praying for you and please pray for me as well!

  18. Nancy says:

    Thank you Sharon for the words of encouragement that I needed to read this morning. It was a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles and the lord is with us all the way. Our prayer community is with us too. Asking for prayers for my elderly mother as I maneuver to find her a place with good care, close to me. The realities of insurance, finances and space are difficult to maneuver. Thank you.

  19. Mary says:

    Good morning GIG’s,

    This devotion really hit home. I am truly in a struggle to pray because I’ve been waiting for so long for God to answer my prayer about my job situation. I am encouraged to know that when I can’t pray, there are friends that will lock arms with me to pray. As I gain my strength back from the locked arms of my sisters, I will be praying for others.

  20. Julie says:

    Hi, Sharon,

    Thank you so very much for this powerful message! If even our Lord desired his companions to stay awake and pray with Him in his hour of greatest testing, how much more should we desire our friends to “help us with their prayers”!

    My prayer is to be fruitful – starting with more consistent spiritual disciplines, but also in fulfilling whatever ministry God has before me (and where my husband and I should land in downsizing and moving – with a health condition that might keep me insurance wise in place.

    I can so identify with the prayer requests above, as I know how the power of the fervent prayers of others helped me through a couple of serious medical complications in the past. ‘

    “Oh God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home.” Let’s do this!

  21. Faye says:

    Thank you for this devotional this morning.
    I am struggling with emotional hurt and physical pain. I need healing for both. Thank you for praying

  22. I am praying for my husband who has several heath issues. I pray for him and for me to know how to help him.I am truly at a loss to know what to do. Prayer is all I have right now!

  23. Allie says:

    Thank you for the message. It was so comforting!

    Praying over Paul, Jack and Kenny.

    Please pray for my husband and I to become pregnant. We’ve been trying for a while. I have hope every month!! After failed IVF the specialist say it’s nearly impossible to conceive naturally but GOD can do the impossible!! We’ve been married for 5 years. No kids so far

  24. Susan Price says:

    Lord, whisper your Truth into Paul’s ears and remind him of the power he has through the Holy Spirit. Break the chains of alcohol and free him from his addiction. God, please bring a Christian friend into Jack’s life. I pray that you would place in him the desire for friendships outside the world of technology. Thank you for your complete healing of Sarah’s lungs and for sparing her life. Thank you that she is shining your light and giving you all the glory. Lord, I lift up Kenny to you this morning. Thank you that you know him, you see him, and you love him. Thank you for the plans you have for Him. I pray that you would remove the scales from his eyes and soften his heart to receive your Truth. And Heavenly Father, I ask that you would lead Samar to the right doctor who will provide the right diagnosis to her. Thank you for the gifts you give our medical professionals but most of all, thank you that you are our ultimate Healer. God, thank you for my sisters in Christ,(my Girlfriends in God), Patti, Sarah, Lisa, and Samar. I lift each of them p to you today. May they be encouraged by all the prayers being brought to your feet on their behalf. Less each of them in. A special way to today. Amen

  25. Christie says:

    Good morning. What a powerful reminder this devotion was this morning. It was an honour to pray for the prayer requests that were left by others. My prayer request this morning is similar to others. My son has been homeschooled for all of his elementary years this far, but we are considering putting him in a small Christian school for grade 8, as both of his siblings are now in high school. He’s nervous and uncertain, but needs to make a decision promptly. If this happens, there is also a significant cost that would require me to re-enter the work field to offset the cost. Ideally, a part time job while the kids are at school would materialize. Prayers for wisdom and that all the pieces would fall into place would be much appreciated.

  26. Michelle says:

    I have been blessed with a wonderful group of prayer warrior women. Please join me in praying for one of them today, Pam. Also please lift up my son and mental health issues that plague him. Thanks lovely ladies!

  27. Vicki says:

    Thank you for this message this morning. I am in need of prayer for the struggles I am going through. There are many things trying to attack me at one time, be it job, be it family, be it church. I feel I am being pulled in this season. I ask for prayer for relief. I know giving it to the Father all will work, however, we all know how the other side works to deceive us. Pray for my strength. I am so thankful for these devotionals they really help me see I am not alone.

  28. Laurie says:

    I am currently praying for a friend’s young granddaughter that has been diagnosed with cancer. We often say “all I can do is pray”, but we forget that’s the best thing we can do. My older sister is about to transition to Medicaid and not in a position to make her own decisions as we go down this path. I am struggling with a great deal of anxiety about making these important financial decisions with such a big impact on another person’s life. Please help me pray for guidance and peace.

  29. Diane says:

    Love your words of wisdom! This devotion starts my day everyday. Love hearing women share with women about real life. So encouraging!
    Please pray for my marriage. We are in a very difficult battle.
    Trying to rebuild a broken relationship.
    Thank you ❤️

  30. Linda says:

    Hi Sharon,

    I really needed this today! Recently I have been feeling the need for more Prayer Warriors to intercede in praying for my family and I. As I read the devotion and the comments tears streamed down my face. So many things I connect with. My brother has been in the hospital on a ventilator since February due to cardiac arrest. In addition to heart and kidney issues we were told a few days ago he may have sepsis of the lungs. My family and I are holding on to faith although it gets difficult at times. I remind them We walk by faith not by sight! (2 Cor 5:7). Individually some of us have been dealing with health and job issues and this morning as I walked to my desk to start work I asked God “What is the purpose in this?” Please pray for my family and I and I will be aligning my faith with you and praying for all of my GiG’s in the comments. My shield is up! Let’s go! Blessings!

  31. Jennifer says:

    I loved that I definitely need prayers as I tested positive for Covid

  32. Lynne says:

    Thank you for this message today. I loved the visual of the shields locked together being compared to prayers being sent in unison to heaven! I am in a struggle with my son, who has decided he wants nothing to do with my x-husband, my daughter or myself. He is narcissistic, and pulls us in only to push us away. He is getting married next month in another state, and told us we weren’t invited, only to now say he expects us to be there, and behave appropriately! His fiancé adds fuel to this fire. I attempted to show support by attending their shower, only to be ignored and then demonized for not acting the way they wanted. As a mom, this is heartbreaking! Please pray for my son and God’s saving grace! Thank you!

  33. Tonia says:

    Thanks for such a powerful devotional Sharon. I have to be honest, I find myself telling others “I am thinking of them today” or “you are in my prayers” when they are struggling or going through something. I do pray for them, but I agree, they need that instant prayer right then. I love this message. I am in the much needed prayer. I am going through the final stages of my divorce right now and its really scary. Please lift me up in your prayers. I am asking God to take away this anxiety. Thank you Sharon!

  34. Pam says:

    Please pray for my daughter. She is a believer but she is living with a married man. He is a believer too! Somehow they have convinced themselves that their relationship is blessed by God. Pray the Gods truth will become evident to them.
    I have never commented here. But todays devo really spoke to my heart and I felt God nudging me to ask for prayer for my daughters situation.

  35. Kourtney says:

    I don’t have any GiG, I don’t have friends period, especially not praying ones. I used to but I moved and man is it lonely without them. My prayer request is for dry bones to come back alive. I used to be so on fire for God now I’m just stuck in survival mode and don’t have a clue which way to turn. Like I’m frozen. I’m failing my daughter, myself and my God. I used to journal and write all the time but now I’m barely holding my head above the water. I’ve forgotten how to suit up.

  36. Deb says:

    I pray for all GiGs and ask for prayers for me and mine as well. In Jesus name, Amen❤️

  37. Julie says:

    We truly do need each other! There have been many times in my life when I have been too confused or weak to think that my prayers
    were heard. Of course we know that they are but when friends com along side and pray, what an encouragement and sense of peace that gives. Thank you for reminding us to pray for one another Sharon. I will be praying for you Kourtney. I know what it is like to move to some place new and struggle with loneliness. Please, know that you are never alone. God knows what you are going through. His arms are strong and his heart is kind.

  38. Sally Gillespie says:

    Wonderful words of wisdom. I could really use prayer for my daughter who is angry with so many of us in the family. Please ask the Lord to soften her heart and give Grace to her brother and us.

  39. Please pray for my daughter, Jave and I. We have used a moving company to deliver our belongings from New York to Dover, DE. The trouble they have given us is mind blowing and I can’t deal with this. We are still for it which is supposed to come today. Pray that we get all our stuff and not be charge for anything. The devil is very busy coming at us from every angel. God be merciful. I appreciate your daily devotions. They keep grounded when life throws me a curve ball. May God bless you always.

  40. Robin says:

    Thanks for this devotional Sharon. It’s very helpful and convicting. I’ve not been good about keeping in touch with my GiGs and I need to fix that. I’d appreciate prayer for my son who has serious health issues and blames God for them – doesn’t want to hear anything about God, and of course, is struggling with severe depression. Scares me because he lives alone and has become quite isolated. He also needs a permanent job. I surely appreciate any and all prayer on his behalf. Praying for you all. Blessings, Robin

  41. Ronda says:

    Sharon, thank you for this devotional it really spoke to me . Please pray for me. We are have extreme financial difficulties and as you can imagine it causes daily tension in my marriage. I try to urge my husband to converse with his boss about making some changes to no avail. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 6 yrs and I’m about to start a new career which is way out of my comfort zone. I also have a friend who is dying and I tend to her daily while also tending to my children & all there activities. My friend weighs 74lb and I can’t convince her to go in the hospital. I’m on overload and I know fear is a liar but I struggle daily with overwhelming amounts of it. Please pray God with strengthen me and open doors in my life! Thank you for what you and all GIG girls do. I start my day with y’all always!

  42. Debinda says:

    I loved the devotional today. I would like to ask for prayer and lock arms for my 38 year old son, Travis, to find peace in knowing Jesus. He accepted the Lord as a child, was baptized at 9 years of age, but now questions everything by what he sees around him. Questions like “If there is a God, how could He allow xxxx to happen.” He is always saying I wish I had your faith, Mom. I want him to know God and Jesus like I do and experience His grace and peace.

  43. Nicole says:

    This is definitely what I needed this morning. My relationship of the last 6 years seems to be falling apart. This is the man that I thought God had planned for me to marry. I can see his struggles with self-discovery and the internal battles that he is fighting from past trauma. We have been separated for the last 6 months, and I’m just not sure how much longer I can hold on. I’m not sure if he is who God has planned for me anymore. I need prayers of guidance and clarity! Thank you all!

  44. I agree that I am glad to know when one of my girlfriends are going to battle and praying for me, but I am still encouraged when people say they are thinking about me or sending positive thoughts. Not everyone feels comfortable praying for others and it may mean a lot for them to just saying they’re thinking of me. Thanks and have a good day!

  45. Brenda says:

    I am currently praying for my son and daughter in law as they struggle to conceive a child. I am more than ready to become a grandparent as well and so hard to see pics, stories etc of my friend’s grandchildren. Thank you for the daily devotional.

  46. Vickie says:

    I needed this this morning! Struggling with some issues and really need prayer!

  47. Marlys says:

    I have many physical ailments … cancer treatments on hold … I need bursitis pain to go away so I can sleep at night and work during the day. Thanks for your prayers.

  48. Nancy says:

    Please pray for my husband and me. We are struggling in our marriage and we need a miracle.
    God bless

  49. Janita says:

    Kourtney, I have written your name down on a post-it where I can see it every day. I am fervently praying for you to find a good Christ based church and Christian friends in your new area and for those dry bones to come back alive! You are NOT failing you’re in a season and seasons change 🙂 Suit up! – Ephesians 6:10-18

  50. Suzanne says:

    This was so great. God wanted me to hear this again.I have been working on my prayer life and true, honest faith where I continuously relinquish it all to him. My husband of over 22 years has decided to leave. We have three kids and this has turned my life upside down. My husband thinks he has a strong faith when it is clear to everyone else that he does not. My family needs prayer! The kids and I are really overwhelmed and hurting. I have seen God’s beauty even in my struggles, but there are days where I just don’t know how I am going to make it through the day.

  51. Susan S says:

    Hi Sharon,
    Thank you for this devotional. I often need reminding of the power of prayer. Please pray for my eldest daughter as she is struggling with debilitating anxiety and OCD along with other health issues. Please pray for my son to become a believer. Blessings to all. Thank you.

  52. Cyndie Lyon says:

    Great Devotion. Please pray for my husband Jim and other prodigals everywhere to return to the LORD and Church! Thanks so much for all you do!

  53. Sarah says:

    I have been praying for a friend to lock arms with in prayer. It is even harder to find friends after becoming a mom, but I would love to have that someone to pray for and with.

  54. Phi says:

    Thank you for this devotion. I have my co-worker as my girlfriend and we pray for each other. I will pray for all of you. I have written down all your names and will pray daily. Please pray for my husband and 3 kids as they walk away from God. I only have my youngest son that truly believes. He’s very active in church with the youth group. My husband was never a believer 🙁 .

  55. Meliza says:

    Was sent this devotional by a member of my prayer group. Iv struggled with health issues since getting covid 2 years ago. I get discouraged sometimes and feel defeated but it’s moments like this that I’m reminded I’m not alone and people truly care. Asking for prayers over my body. TjT total healing is coming!

  56. Sherry says:

    Thank you for this devotion. Please pray for me my husband and our marriage.

  57. Marilyn says:


    I’m struggling lots with my god
    My belief
    My sanity
    I stopped reading
    I’m mentally emotionally exhausted the family drama is slowly taking over
    I tried praying last night but not sure how good of a job it was being it’s been so long
    Plz pray for me
    I feel alone depressed full of anxiety n I’m turning to GIG
    Thx 🙏

  58. Pam B says:

    Hi ladies prayers would help I have happy and sad feelings my only daughter moved to Texas yesterday.And prayers for everyone on this page… blessings Amen

  59. Mary K says:

    I can relate to your struggle. My husband and I tried for 12 years to get pregnant and bring a baby to term. We had several failed attempts and losses along the way. In 2010 we decided to try one last time and became pregnant in Feb 2011 through ICSI. Our twins were born in August 2011 at just 24.1 weeks. They are 11 years old now! Miracles do happen. We kept looking for the right doctors, facility, and prayed for the courage to try again. We released the fear and anxiety of the past and focused on the future. I will pray that you and your husband will have the child/children you pray for!

    I don’t believe God makes or takes away a child in the whomb or at any time. I believe he gives the child their soul when they are conceived and takes it home when they pass. God gives us the strength to be parents and the village to help us through that huge responsibility. When we ignore Him is when the struggle becomes too much.

  60. jackie says:

    Please pray for my sister who is struggling with her relationships, her self confidence and her spiritual growth. I also ask for prayer for myself favorable test result. Thank you, love the daily devotionals.

  61. Kharen says:

    Dear girlfriends, please help us pray for my friend, Romeo Laxa, because his doctors declared that he would only live for three months. He has a brain tumor which cannot be removed because of its very sensitive location. He was sent to homecare already and the doctors said his condition might deteriorate soon. He has a family with 2 kids and we want to plead for a miracle so that he can still be with them. 😭 Please, please, help us storm the heavens with prayers. As his wife said, the Lord speaks life and we claim that he will wake up from that bed and will be well soon. 🙏 Thank you so much.

  62. Please pray for me concerning tightness in my neck area. I’ve been to several doctors, but no cause has been found. Also prayers needed for my son Michael, for a favorable outcome in his court case in October. Thank you.

  63. Selam says:

    Wonderful message & thank you 🙏 I praise the lord for his goodness. Please pray for me & my family( my beautiful,wonderful daughter who is on her last year for her masters) & my husband. I am born again Christian, my daughter & husband are not, and the Devil is trying to destroy us using different methods. I am overwhelmed, please pray for salvation of my family, peace & unity. God bless & thank you i

  64. Sheila says:

    I love this devotional today. I am praying for each request. There is power in prayer. My husband and I have had our 33 year old son that is an addict move back home 6 months ago. He hadn’t held down a steady job in at least 6 years. I have friends that have gone through this same thing and my thinking process on hearing about it and living it are as opposite as night from day. I’m asking for everyone to please pray that he will have the want to and to get clean. I never dreamed what a toll it can take on a family. I know God hears our prayers and will give us strength each day.

    Blessings to each of you

    • Shelia, you are not alone. You are so right, hearing about a certain struggle and living it are two different things. One day, I know you are going to be able to use what you’re going through to help someone else.

  65. Suzanne says:

    Sheila, thank you for your prayers! I have been the main support for my cousin (who is like a sister to me) who is an addict. She struggles with body image, self confidence, trust etc. If it’s a possible struggle she seems to have it. The pain she has inside is too much for her and alcohol/drugs work faster and stronger than prescriptions. It seems she can’t stay sober for more than a month. It is hard to understand and is defeating. I am praying for you and your son. You need all the backup you can get. This is a tough fight.

  66. Carol says:

    Wow! Just got back from local ER, I’ll be fine; but it looks like to me All of us gals are locking shields of prayers!
    “Thank you Father, first off for Sharon’s inspired writings and next, a special blessing for all the gals that are devote readers of GIG everyday! Father, we need you…every moment of everyday! We know, Lord with out you we can nothing. But, “all things are possible through Christ”. Lord, bless us as we move forward with our lives. Let us be the light that others need to see, In Jesus, Holy name….Amen”

  67. Ingrid says:


    WHOA! Your devotion today has truly touched my heart. As I read each response, it has been humbling and my soul is pushing me to request prayer too! Typically,I wouldn’t post anything for fear of someone in my family seeing this. However,I’m at an enpass in my life. This secret that I carry is like having my feet encased in concrete.I have an amazing daughter that is confused about her life goals. Namely, that fact I struggle with alcohol. Like many of the entries, I’m a Christian having a poor time and I’m struggling. I do pray, but I choose wine over my faith. Being a recent cancer survivor my spirits are low.I feel as though I’m just existing as I have made some poor life choices picking money over higher education, unfulfilled dreams,unhealthy relationships with men that plague me daily. How do I cope? I enjoy drinking wine as it relaxes me to clear my mind,and,helps to get restful sleep at night. My daughter is my world and I feel as if my love of wine is effecting my relationship with my family, especially her. Please keep in your prayers. I will be praying for each of you – for relationships, mental clarity, to “bring dry bones back to life” for life transitions due to divorce,help for broken marriages, time management struggles, new careers, relocations to a new state, and for struggles with conception. GOD I’M DROWNING, but I love each of you. Although my shield may be dented, I’m ready to lock my shield in solidarity.

    Sending prayers, love and God’s Light.


    • Oh sweet sister. Thank you for an honest response. I will join you in prayer. Thank you for locking shields with us. We all have dents in our armor.

  68. Mitzi says:

    Marilyn, August 24 11:41am post, I’m praying for you! God is good and is with you!

  69. Lee Ann says:

    Sharon please pray with and for me for healing in my body. I have several health challenges and am trying hard to believe God for healing. I am really struggling with holding on to believing. Thank you.

  70. Jen says:

    Sharon thank you. I needed to read this tonight.
    I’m just struggling. My prayer life isn’t where or what it should be right now. And now is the time I need to dig in.
    Trying to balance several moving pieces in home school work family and ministry and I’m bogged down.
    Prayers for an uplifting spirit and a touch of Jesus’ hand on my heart.

  71. Diane says:

    Hi Sharon,

    So true, praying for others needs, we must pray without ceasing!

    Yesterday, received good report from PET Scan “complete metabolic response” from Chemo for cervical cancer, but Doctor recommended radiation therapy. Also, have Nephrostomy tubes for another six weeks. Prayers that urinary tract will function properly at that time.

    Father God, I declare I have been made whole because You will complete what You have started, I’m healed by the Precious Blood of Jesus, In His Name, Amen☝🏽

  72. Bindi says:

    Thank you for your faithfulness GiG. God really has you in an amazing ministry. It’s encouraging to read the messages above and know that we all hunger for God and need relationship. Sometimes we think we are in this battle alone.
    I have spent many a night tossing and turning and I keep saying to myself… leave it at the foot of the cross but man some days that is so hard!please pray for my daughter, she broke off her engagement because her fiancé was doing drugs and now she has gone into another relationship which is far more detrimental than her previous one with drugs too. She herself doesn’t do drugs and can’t handle it but yet she can’t seem to pull herself away. I pray for God to remove the scales from her eyes and call her back to him and show her that he is enough.

  73. Cindy says:

    Please pray with me about my daughter (37) who lives in another state and has cut off communication with me and I don’t know why. This has trickled down to my grandchildren (18f, 16f, 14m) who occasionally respond to texts. I know she’s busy but I heard nothing on Mother’s Day (I sent her wishes) nor on my recent birthday. My heart hurts so badly.

  74. sarah says:


  75. Kate says:

    Thank you so much for this devotional. So powerful and such a great reminder and it was so timely – I know it was not a coincidence. I shared it with my House Group. We try to remember to lock shields with each other and when we do it is so comforting and heartening. Praying at the moment for an urgent appointment at the US embassy in London to come up – my son should have flown to NYC yesterday to move for work and study for 2 years. Last Monday his passport and visa ended up in the wash – fiancée was helping him out. He has to reapply for a visa.
    Thank you Sharon for all you do.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8