Today’s Truth

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 CSB)



Friend to Friend

The air smells like sugar and cinnamon as I walk into my favorite bakery for a pie-making class. I am nervous about this new undertaking. (I once made ciabatta bread that turned out so badly that my dog, who gleefully eats unspeakable things in the backyard, spit it out on the kitchen floor.)

But my friend Melissa is the head baker here and she has promised to walk me through the process. So I stand with my classmates around a long wooden table. We’re each given a large silver bowl for mixing our ingredients. I add butter, shortening (the combination of both is the secret, Melissa says), salt, flour, and water a little bit at a time. I work the dough with my fingers.

Melissa comes behind me to check my progress. She adds a little of this and that, then works with the dough again. “There,” she says, “just right.”

I think of this incident over a year later in an entirely different situation. I need to make an important decision and have no idea what to do. I worry, again, that I will somehow mess everything up. As I pray, my heart has a realization. I don’t have to get everything right because I serve a God who makes everything right in the end.

When I try to get everything right, I become paralyzed by fear. I live in a state of self-criticism. I worry about every detail and carry the weight of the outcome on my shoulders. But God never asks this of us. He asks us, as Melissa did, to step up to the table. To get our hands dirty. To try our best and trust that He can, and will, take care of the rest.

Melissa didn’t expect us to become expert pie-makers in an evening. What she asked of us was to trust her, to try to follow what she told us, and to let her come alongside us in the process. She could deal with whatever we did to our dough.

The Apostle Paul said, “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). “All things” includes our mistakes, our imperfect efforts, our guesses when we’re not sure what to do. But before God can work in all things we have to give Him something to work with, which means not letting fear stop us from even trying.

Jill Churchill said, “There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” I think that applies to every area of our lives. There’s no way to be a perfect friend and a million ways to be a good one. There’s no way to be a perfect leader and a million ways to be a good one. There’s no way to make a perfect pie crust and a million ways to make a good one.

Take courage and keep trying. What you’re doing is enough. You don’t have to get everything right because we serve a God who makes all things right in the end.


Let’s Pray

Dear God, You are so good. Thank You for staying with me in the mess and making all things right. I offer what I have to You today, and I trust You to make it beautiful.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Now It’s Your Turn 

How have you seen God work things together for good? Leave a comment and share one.


More from the Girlfriends

Holley Gerth is still practicing getting her pie crust right, along with many other things in her life. She’s grateful for grace and passionate about helping women thrive in who God created them to be. Her latest book, Introvert by Design: A Guided Journal for Living with New Confidence in Who You’re Created to Be, releases this month.

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© 2023 by Holley Gerth. All rights reserved.

6 Responses to “Why You Don’t Have to Get Everything Right”

  1. Debbi says:

    My hubby decided (years ago) to a vasectomy. We had 2 beautiful, healthy kids – I was sad but on board. Years later, God put it on our hearts to become foster/adoptive parents. He definitely made good from it! We have since adopted 2 girls and have fostered 17 others. Some of the kids and their friends have come to Christ! God is so good!!

  2. Dee says:

    This devotion really spoke to me. My marriage has been in crisis with many ups and downs for the past 2 years and I have been struggling with what to do, stay or file for divorce. There doesn’t seem to be a good outcome with either option. I’m thankful to know that God works all things together for our good. I can do my best and trust that God will handle the rest.

  3. Trish says:

    Great reminder this morning !! Thanks!
    (I have yet to master a home made pie crust! LOL)

  4. Elaine says:

    We have 3 adopted daughters, the youngest of which came out of an orphanage in Russia. She is now 25 & has been our greatest “adventure”! She got very poor prenatal care which resulted in some mental issues. We found out in January of 2018, when she was 18, that she was 5 months pregnant! I became so concerned for the baby that I nearly had a nervous breakdown! My husband & I were 62 & 61 respectively & felt we were too old to be raising another child. We began frantically searching for another home for this child & kept hitting brick walls. Finally we came to a point where we gave it to God & He connected us to a wonderful couple. The next step was to convince our daughter to give the baby up, since she was adamant in keeping the baby. Once again we prayed & gave it to God. We didn’t tell her about the couple we had found. About 2 weeks before the baby was born, we got a call from our daughter saying she had found a couple to adopt her baby. She said she was standing there beside her & the adoptive mother wanted to talk with us. Our daughter put her on the phone with us & it was the wife of the couple we had talked to!!!!! They had met in Walmart! Baby Lydia is now almost 6 years old & being raised in a wonderful, loving, & godly home & we are considered part of the family & are involved in her life! Talk about God turning a bad situation into good! There are many, many more aspects to this story where God’s hands were at work…I’ve just given you the nutshell version. How they met in Walmart is another miracle story in itself! Oh, and by the way, our daughter’s name is Faith.

  5. Christina says:

    As I am sitting at my kitchen table in a mess , I’m a mess. I made bad decisions and I hate myself for them. I can upon this devotional. I believe it wasn’t a coincidence. I trust You Abba Father God that in this You are working for good. This gives me hope now. Thankyou Lord and thankyou for this devotional God bless in Jesus name. 🌷

  6. Cindy says:

    My granddaughter was in a terrible accident a few weeks ago. And it is only by Gods hand of protection, grace, mercy, and compassion that she not only survived, but didn’t sustain any serious injuries. I’m praising Him for his care and protection in and around her life. Praise God!!!

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well…" 1 Thessalonians 2:8